Where the flourescence grows

Jun 2009
10:08 AM EDT

Makes you wonder

Have you ever been verbally slaughtered because of your beliefs? Do you feel like the whole world is collapsing on top of you? How about feeling like no one understands the situation you're in?

Believing in God is difficult especially in the times we are currently living. Sometimes, I feel like the whole world is against me because of that. But I have to remember that I'm never alone. And also, that life isn't a sprint, so I can take my time because the God I believe in is patient, merciful, and loving. And that He will always be waiting for you, even when you turn away from Him. He will never reject you, no matter how many bad things you've done. He DOESN'T need you, yet He cares for you more deeply than you'll ever understand. He's the only one that can fill the emptiness in your heart, and can give you hope in the midst of your worst storm. He can show you so much more than what you can see or understand at the moment. He is simply wonderful. =)

1 comment(s) - 08:02 PM - 06/21/2009

Jun 2009
6:43 PM EDT

There are times when you feel like you're stuck somewhere or in something and you don't know anything about it. You are inexperienced and don't know what to do, but God let's us walk through those troubles to let us know that it's best that He should lead the way. So stand up, and give Him all your troubles and worries, and I promise you that you will find peace. But as a warning, walking down the correct path isn't easy. In fact, there are times when you fall and don't feel like getting up anymore, but you must keep going because everlasting joy and peace awaits you at the end of this dark, confusing,and treacherous valley we call "mortality."�� Hold your head high for you were, are, and always will be victorious in Christ.

1 comment(s) - 09:58 PM - 06/14/2009

Jun 2009
2:39 PM EDT

My little "Follower" is at it again.

Agh. I can't take it anymore! My corsette is missing! And I looked EVERYWHERE!!! I bet HE took it!

1 comment(s) - 10:14 PM - 06/08/2009

Jun 2009
5:27 AM EDT

The elven thief

Lately, a lot of my clothes ( my lingerie) have gone missing. I have searched all over the house, but never found them. Days later, when I gave up on looking, I find my "little follower" rummaging through my underwear drawer!! I swear, sometimes I feel like he has GOT to GO.

1 comment(s) - 02:16 PM - 06/02/2009

Jun 2009
6:24 PM EDT

Lost in a sea of confusion

What do you do when you felt like you've been doing something right all along, something that you thought was a blessing, but then someone comes along and tells you that you might be arrested for it?

1 comment(s) - 09:43 PM - 06/14/2009

May 2009
1:30 PM EDT

My Elf came back

I saw him again! The elf that lives in my room and follows me all the time!! I'm so happy.

Here's how�it happened�went:

� I was staying up really late working on a Psychology Journal Review for Barbara, my college professor. Every one was asleep, and the only noise I could her was the ticking of the clocks and my typing. I was getting into my second to last paragraph when I felt movement behind me. Startled, I turn around quickly ( I do my work on my bed) and I almost fall when I felt a pair of soft, feminine-like hands stealthilly grip my arms and pull me back onto my bed. " Are you alright?" , asked the stranger. Immediately, I recognized that deep, silky voice. I turned around and, sure enough, it was my elf that was there. I was so overjoyed, that I basically had to hold myself back from hugging him. I guess he read my mind because he smiled at me, leaned in, and kissed my forehead. I hated myself for letting him do that because my face gets hot and pink every time I'm with a boy. But, I couldn't let that get to me because I finally got to see him again. I asked him why did he pick now of all times to come and visit. He said that he would have visited me everyday but I was always busy, and he didn't want his brother getting suspicious and following him. And he told me that he wanted some alone time with me to talk for a while. So we talked endlessly about our lives and stuff like that. He seems to have such a nice family. I wish I could meet them all.

Mar 2009
3:28 PM EDT

A strange shadow.

Do you believe in elves? Faeries? What about pixies?

I have been searching for an answer to my own personal question. Do they REALLY exist? There are some folk tales that say that they only appear to certain people. I guess I was one of the selected few when I entered my bedroom and standing right infront of me was an elf! It appeared to be male, about my height, but slightly shorter. He had sunkissed skin with freckles on his cheeks and nose, semi thin eyebrows that sat over large, twinkling, child-like, emerald eyes. His short hair was the color of autumn red leaves that seemed to have been bundled into smooth, thick, wavy locks that covered his forehead. And around his neck, he wore a grassy necklace that ended with a blue feather. He wore a green tunic of some kind of material, and loose-legged pants that ended at his knees. When I saw him in my room, I jumped back startled because I saw his pointed ears, and he smiled at me. It was a very sweet smile that seemed to laugh with joy, and it made me smile too. Then, he reached over and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead, and disappeared.

I still remember it like it was this morning. I told my friend about it because she knows more about elves than I do, and she told her mother who told me that if I saw an elf, I was considered lucky. And she also told me that probably, that elf was following me around for a long time.

I hope I get to see him again. He seemed really nice. ~_~

2 comment(s) - 01:12 PM - 06/06/2009

Jan 2009
2:24 PM EDT

A little bit o' me

I'm an artist/ massage therapist. But most importantly, I am a Christian. Now don't think bad things about me BECAUSE of what I am, I am really a fun and sweet person. And I'm NOT stuck up. I came here to look for an outlet were I could channel out my anger or excitement. I like to listen to what others have to say, and give aproppriate advice. I try to be as open minded as possible because I like to treat others with respect and would like to be treated that way too. I go by the name of Jenna in most places, but my REAL name is Ketsy Zuleika Gonzalez Portalatin De Cristo. Long name, huh? Well if anyone needs any help or would like me to pray for them, you can e-mail me at flowersanddreams@catpeoplerule.com

1 comment(s) - 10:13 PM - 06/14/2009

Jan 2009
5:37 PM EDT


This is a SHOUT OUT to everyone around the world!!! WAZUP, PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Dec 2008
6:09 AM EDT

My favorite Lemon proverbs.

" When life gives you lemons, squirt them in someone's eye."

" When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, and watch the world wonder how you did it."

I still have more but can't remember them all. ~_~'

Dec 2008
1:59 PM EDT

OMFGWTF!!!! I just stumbled upon the fact that The book series "Nine Lives of Chloe King" is being made into a show!!! I can't wait to see it!!

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  • Username: BellaLuz17
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Florida
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    BELLALUZ17's Interests:

    About Me: I am shy, but friendly. I am extremely sensitive to people's emotions, so when you cry I cry too. When you laugh, it means more to me than all the money in the world. I'm here to listen to the world. I don't make promises, but I'll try my best to make others happy. Why? Because I am someone who cares.

    Interests: art, friends, boys, movies, etc.

    Favorite Music: Superchic[k], Barlow Girl, Rojo, Jars of Clay, Thirdday, Stellar Kart, Hawk Nelson, Group1Crew, Plumb, Skillet, Fireflight, Eowyn.

    Favorite Movies: Passion of the Christ, Twilight, Eagle Eye, The chronicles of Narnia 1&2, Madagascar 1&2. In that order.

    Favorite Television: Nine Lives of Chloe King.

    Favorite Books: Twilight series, Nine Lives of Chloe King series, Maximum Ride series.etc.