sirenaberry's Journal

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sirenaberry's Profile

  • Username: sirenaberry
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Florida
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    SIRENABERRY's Interests:

    About Me: Im a 21 year old female that lives in mossy head floida.Just moved here from Alabama a few months ago.I am a CNA and my girlfriend and I are currently liveing with my parents.Life is pretty simple and not really spontanious thats the way I like it.I dont go out much because when i do i tend to get into trouble.Thats about all i have to say bout myself.

    Interests: Well I watch some movies,read books,swim,and go fishing. Not interested in any other men then my husband

    Favorite Music: Oh this is a good one. Rap is my favorite, some rock,and I like alot of country. Lil Wayne is the best.

    Favorite Movies: Has to be Titanic,Bring it on, any comedy, I love chick flicks. Tenacious D,Walk the line.

    Favorite Television: Tyler perrys house of pain, jerry springer,steve wilco

    Favorite Books: I like alot of books so this one is hard to answer. "all over but the shoutin". I like most all Stephen kings books.

    SIRENABERRY's Friends: