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    thatsmxchic  44, Female, South Carolina, USA - 9 entries
Mar 2008
9:25 PM EDT

what the hell....

So today my baby daddy's new baby momma asked to be added as amy friend on myspace... yeah I know, what the fuck?... after much deliberation I accepted to see what the hell she wants .... besides to see what I am blogging about her and her man not paying me my child support and reminding them that they are $1500 +++ behind as it is.

i had to find a new blog spot to set myself free...

that bitch has never spoken to me now she wants to be my friend, bitch please.. that bitch is gona go fuck somebody else like he has done with all the rest. step to me and you will get dealt with...

Stupid bitch... i don't like you....

Oh .. that felt good .. Thanks for listening ..

Silly rabbit tricks are for kids!

Tags: bitches, drama
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    heykaro89  35, Female, Taiwan - 6 entries
Aug 2007
1:12 PM EDT

ok this is my first time writting something up here..hope im doing alright. :D
so heres the deal.i've been watching "the OC" these days..well i know this is soooo 2003 but i gotta admit that this is totally awesome!!!!! i'm not really that kind of daily drama person but i think im totally addicted to this one..and i found some side effects about watching these stuff...the more you're into it,the more desperation about your own life! oncei turn off the TV after seeing all that luxurious life they led,i was like: gosh im gonna do the dishes again instead of drinking cocktail with my friends in the "holly's pool house" (a house in "the o.c") i wish i could make some friends...hey so that counts for why im here HA! i could meet people around the world and improve my Enlish a little by trowing stuff up here..oh and i didnt tell any of my friends about this so that i could say anything i want up here...doesn't it feels great to say something out loud without hesitating? sometimes you just need a listener that's all.

p.s oh by the english sucks..if it's difficult to read,my bad! :p
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