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    corvinus3  48, Male, Illinois, USA - 6 entries
Apr 2008
4:59 AM CST

The A$$hole Driver

1) So you are driving down the road, minding your own business, when you look in your rear-view mirror and notice that the car/truck behind you is riding more than a bit too close in an attempt to "push" you.� You look down at your speedometer and see that not only are you going the speed limit, but you are going over it.� You want the guy off your tail, so you decide to decelerate by letting off the gas petal.

2) So you are driving down the road, minding your own business, when you look in your rear-view mirror and notice that the car/truck behind you is riding more than a bit too close in an attempt to "push" you.� You look down at your speedometer and see that you are not going the speed limit, and are going a bit slower than it.� You want the guy off of your tail, so you decide to decelerate by letting off the gas petal.

These are two scenarios, both pretty similar, but the a$$hole driver in each scenario is different.� In 1, the guy trying to "push" you when you are already going over the speed limit is the a$$hole, and he deserves every bit of frustration and outrage you can create by slowing down.� I actually like to slow down to just at the speed limit, and if he still won't back off, then slow down more.� There is absolutely no reason to "push" a car that is already going over the speed limit -- that car is already keeping traffic flowing faster than normal.� Back off, a$$hole.

In 2, the driver who slows down when he/she is already going slower than the speed limit becomes the a$$hole driver.� Sorry, but you are already impeding traffic by going slower than the speed limit, causing a nuisance.� Slowing down even further only makes you more of an a$$hole than you were in the first place by not driving the speed limit.� There are laws in some states making it a ticketable offense for driving at a rate of speed that impedes the flow of traffic.� There is absolutely no reason to drive slower than the speed limit.� Get off your phone, put out your cigarette, and speed up, a$$hole.

Road rage is a terrible thing (something I suffer from), and having a$$holes on the road only makes it worse.

Tags: rants
1 comment(s) - 12:12 AM - 04/24/2008

    corvinus3  48, Male, Illinois, USA - 6 entries
Mar 2008
8:08 AM CST

Customer Service

I have never been one for Customer Service -- it just is not in my blood. I do not have the patience to deal with other people, especially when they are not smart. Those who believe they actually know a thing or two are even worse, for they will give you the most trouble and believe that you should concentrate solely on their problems -- no one else exists to them.

There is something else about the so called "power user" needing help -- no matter what the position or pay grade, they believe they are better than you. It is as if they need your help, but only because they do not have the time to investigate and figure it out themselves.

I know I am in a position where I must help other people sometimes. The key word is "sometimes". My job makes it so I must spend most of my time fixing, tinkering, researching, etc. to support the wider, firm-wide issues. Do IT managers really need to focus on individual users all the time? I hope not, or I have made a horrible career mistake.

Being honest with myself, I absolutely loath dealing with other people and having to hear their problems, or worse, having to actually help them. Why can't they all just be like me and figure it out. How hard is that?

Tags: rants

    nodeadends  18, Female, New York, USA - 29 entries
Aug 2007
6:30 AM EDT

Envisioning the pastor being that close helps me behave myself. For sure if the pastor was truly there in that moment he would probably tried to slay the so called lust demon in both of us. Kissing James was nice, but I remember my mom used to say kissing leads to other things. Iam not prepared to take it there with him anyway.
But with Chad (whom I bumped into when I ordered curry chicken at the establishment his dad owns.) its difficult to keep my hands off of his married ass. Even though his hair is growing back, he is fine as ever. The sex was beyond good. We had our perimeters in place, no oral sex and always protected! MMM good. I wanted to put it on him right then! Men like him make it hard for me to maintain abstinence. When we were kicking it before emotions starting getting deep and I had to cut him off. He began to make statements like your mine, you better not be fucking other dudes. But he is married, I aint stupid. He scared me off when he start talking about love and some other shit.
On a serious note I am going to continue this path that Iam on. Yes I miss the fun but I am confident that the lifestyle I was leading would've lead to my spiritual and physical demise. And this sista aint going out like that.
They say its not good for man to be aloneHell its not good for me to be alone! God should hurry up and equip a handsome,assertive, intelligent, confident,trustworthy man to deal with me and my bullshit! That is so I can get married, and live the life I want and deserve.
Tags: Rants

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