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    maritza  17, Male, Virginia, USA - 4 entries
May 2007
9:32 AM EDT

Sleeping Beauty weak up
1 comment(s) - 04:04 PM - 05/10/2007
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    Brookie  37, Female, Louisiana, USA - 3 entries
May 2007
4:22 PM CDT

Why are people so damn rude...when you are trying tobe nice right now because I understand that all of us are working slow, but work is slow right now (I do carpentry work). Anywho, when you walking your ass of here to come to my house whenever your ass is thirsty, but have the nerve to make some shitty ass comment at me when we are at our mother's house..were not at her little cube now are! Its like she tries to blame me for doing something and all under everyone's nose is "That stupid ass girl does the same thing to..just on the low". I guess i am just really pissed off right now! Then on top of that this late my husband is going to help his stupid ass mother move some shit around in her house that she can't move on her own because she is the way is married, but that old nasty man is never home always off doing bull-shit..So calls him to do in the end, Why are people so damn rude??
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    retirik  57, Female, Illinois, USA - 36 entries
May 2007
1:03 PM CDT

Я чувствую себя хорошо.Я успокоилась на тему отъезда Бьорна. Можно сказать, что аутотренинг мой лучший друг, и это действительно работает! Но самое смешное, как только я успокоилась и настроилась, что все будет складываться позитивно, тут же сменилась дата отъезда Бьорна и теперь он уезжает аж 11 мая, а это значит, срок разлуки будет еще меньше. Представляете? Ты расслабляешься, и ситуация меняется в лучшую для тебя сторону.

Я прошла традиционную диспансеризацию, где мне сказали, что здоровье впорядке,а потом сходила на нетрадиционную - там компьютер сканирует весь организм. Эта доктор приезжает в Чикаго раз в шесть месяцев. Год назад я первый раз ходила к ней, где было выявлено, что организм был очень загрязнен - поэтому я и начала фанатично выводить шлаки. Тогда мне были назначены и гомеопатические уколы, и чаи, и все другое, чтобы очистить организм и привести его в баланс. И это дало результаты, в общем плане я стала чувствовать себя гораздо лучше. Но как она сказала тогда - пока не уберешь стресс и не перестанешь постоянно волноваться, хорошего здоровья быть не может. В этот мой к ней визит были выявлены огромные сдвиги, то есть не зря явсе это делала. Была найдена и причина того, что меня тошнит после еды - раздражен желчный пузырь и желчь застаивается. Она сказала, что делать, включая и трехдневную диету и подтвердила, что мне нужно вегетарианское питание. В этот раз мне даже не назначили гомеопатических уколов, только драже. Врач сказала, что некоторые отклонения от нормы совершенно минимальные и уколов уже не надо. Ура! Я очень довольна и благодарю Бога и вас, мои дорогие. Спасибо за поддержку.

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    emilycandace1023  31, Female, Michigan, USA - 2 entries
May 2007
4:34 PM EDT

A lie that is told daily.
Forever should mean not saying goodbye.
But you'll end up left with just a memory.

Forever is just a dream.
A dream that turns into a nightmare.
Forever is supposed to be what it seems.
But really, it's just a despair.

Forever is just a part of our imagination.
A part that is no more than a fantasy.
Forever should be said with caution.
But we say it everyday without a worry.

Emily Kane


after its said and done,
iwill neverbe able to forget you,
every moment spent with you
brought a smile to my face.
I pray to God,
thankinghimfor letting me
havesomeone like you,
Even thoughit had to be taken away too soon,
I still cherish it all, but most of all
I'm just thankful that it was you.

Emily Kane 5/1/07
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    BluAngle  32, Female, South Carolina, USA - 3 entries
May 2007
2:48 AM CDT

I cut my leg last night really bad. it happened only because i slided the wrong way. it still is bleeding really bad. Jess didnt leave last night he says he isnt going to leave me like that he says he will wait untill sahe comes down here. He also told me he loved me. Well i have a game Thursday and I have to present a speech Thursday too. Life is so fair. Well go to go.
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    2hott2handle  36, Female, California, USA - First entry!
Apr 2007
6:59 PM EDT

hey u think im 2 young 2 have sex....well i already did! me and my b/f thought 2 celebrate our 4 years of going out we both decided that we were ready...and omg did it feel good
3 comment(s) - 01:10 AM - 06/07/2007
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    amp123  32, Female, Ohio, USA - First entry!
Apr 2007
2:59 PM EDT

There is no hope in my life anymore. I am so sick of all the tears in my life. I thought that I could get over Scott, but I now relize that I am never going to be over him. Even though I am with Brandon I would die to be with Scott. My life is way too unpredictable, I never know what is going to happen. I think in my life I make way too many mistakes, and I regret too many things. I am going to have to start to learn that everything that I did was exactly what I wanted at one point, I hate the feeling if regret. I have a feeling that all of my journals are going to be sad, but that is how my life is. I am lucky if I don't cry one day a week. There are so many things to cry about in my life, there is Scott, my mom, my dad, Brandon, Mikey, Dina. And many more. I feel like I am loosing my best friend , Dina. She is replacing me with Brittany and Shannon. This sucks. Scott does not even know that I am alive anymore. He does not know how I would kill to be with him, and to just talk to him once more. We lost everything we had over some stupid fight ! I am always going to love him, I can not help that. Brandon is the nicest boyfriend I can ever have, but I never get to see him. I hate going to a different school then him. I wish I was going to Normandy so I could be with him. It does not even matter about our age difference, everyone thinks that we will never last just because he is 16. They really don't know how much we care about eachother. I am going to try and take a step back in life and figure things out. And become a happy person again. Well bye, for now....

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    Danielle  44, Male, Massachusetts, USA - 4 entries
Apr 2007
5:25 AM EDT

Let's see today is going to be a good day... it's a little cloudy but nice enough I can still take the baby outside, tire her out!!! I have to work around 11 but only till 5 so still not bad. I've decided I'm not going to eat or snack on anything till I get home and then I'll have watermelon and a bowl of pasta for dinner. I went to the gym for about two hours again... so proud of myself!!! Oh next Sat Bella and Rich get to start swim lessons... kinda bummed out that I'm not the one who's going to be taking her... I do everything with her!!! I'll get over it though.
I emailed Deee today to... wait and see what happens with that!!! oh stressed by that one. It's going to be one interesting wedding we can just say.
Well must jet, work time!
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    Theblues2  55, Male, Kentucky, USA - 2 entries
Apr 2007
5:39 PM EDT

I had a great day off work today but tomorrows another day my feelings for today are im ready to change my moods around but one thing i have to learn i need to learn to cool off wen me and my girl argue could use some pointers
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    caseygeorgge  35, Female, Canada - 5 entries
Apr 2007
4:14 PM EDT

I turn to you.
When I'm lost in the rain,
In your eyes I know I'll find the light
To light my way.
And when I'm scared,
And losing ground,
When my world is going crazy,
You can turn it all around.
And when I'm down you're there
- pushing me to the top.
You're always there,
giving me all you've got.
1 comment(s) - 01:04 PM - 03/19/2008
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