A lie that is told daily. Forever should mean not saying goodbye. But you'll end up left with just a memory.
Forever is just a dream. A dream that turns into a nightmare. Forever is supposed to be what it seems. But really, it's just a despair.
There is no hope in my life anymore. I am so sick of all the tears in my life. I thought that I could get over Scott, but I now relize that I am never going to be over him. Even though I am with Brandon I would die to be with Scott. My life is way too unpredictable, I never know what is going to happen. I think in my life I make way too many mistakes, and I regret too many things. I am going to have to start to learn that everything that I did was exactly what I wanted at one point, I hate the feeling if regret. I have a feeling that all of my journals are going to be sad, but that is how my life is. I am lucky if I don't cry one day a week. There are so many things to cry about in my life, there is Scott, my mom, my dad, Brandon, Mikey, Dina. And many more. I feel like I am loosing my best friend , Dina. She is replacing me with Brittany and Shannon. This sucks. Scott does not even know that I am alive anymore. He does not know how I would kill to be with him, and to just talk to him once more. We lost everything we had over some stupid fight ! I am always going to love him, I can not help that. Brandon is the nicest boyfriend I can ever have, but I never get to see him. I hate going to a different school then him. I wish I was going to Normandy so I could be with him. It does not even matter about our age difference, everyone thinks that we will never last just because he is 16. They really don't know how much we care about eachother. I am going to try and take a step back in life and figure things out. And become a happy person again. Well bye, for now....