tardygal's Journal

May 2009
12:16 AM PDT

Would You Wear Your Nighty to your Prom?

Would you wear your nighty to your prom? My daughter did, along with a pair of dance shoes she had laying around. Of course I had to buy her a wrap and some nylons. She wanted to go to a beauty salon to have her hair styled. We drove around and found an old-lady beauty parlor. The lady said "No Problem, I'll take care of you, no sense in planning ahead." She curled and teased and sprayed that hair until it stood out like a puffy halo, then she tamed it back into a beautiful and classic updo. We bought a couple of carnations to match her nighty and put them in her hair. I loaned her some nice jewelry and she was all set. She looked beautiful and felt great. She was ready to compete with the prom-girls of the past,present and future. Her date paid for the meal which was very good I hear. She had paid for both their tickets since she asked him (he is a Junior). Expenses were: tickets= $85.00, wrap and nylons= $75.00, hair=$20.00+tip, flowers=$2.00 pictures=$40.00. That is still a lot but not compared to what it could have been. I am proud of her for pulling off the nighty as a prom dress. She didn't even notice the scorch mark I put in it when trying to iron it.�

May 2009
12:57 AM PDT

Why Teenagers are Snotty and Dismissive towards their Mothers

�Teenagers are snotty and dismissive towards their mothers because they are stupid. �Those are the results of a recent study I have conducted in my home. The control group consisted of a non-snotty and non-dismissive child. The offending teenager is about to graduate from high school and is currently receiving lots of attention from teachers, school administrators and other teenagers of the opposite gender. The teenager appears to be self-absorbed and influenced by her peers who are also teenagerish. I have concluded that despite the child's belief that she is so great, she is stupid. It is the mother that controls the money and the general environment. She provides food and shelter for the offspring. It does not have to be good food and shelter. As long as basic nutritional requirements are met, the meals provided can be really, really untasty. I have been needing a sewing room, or rather a place to store my piles of junk. Oh, that bedroom over there seems to have available space, I will just stack my things in there. I will need to travel through the room often to rummage through my things. I am happy to have a new junk room even though it is cluttered up with a sullen teenager.

May 2009
4:30 AM PDT

creative budgeting

This has been a busy week attending the sweet little daughter's events. She is graduating from High School soon and I am sad. Fortunately, she is turning out surprisingly well and may soon become an asset. She has recently acquired a job and even though she will not have a high salary, I can charge her room and board. If I take a percentage of her take home pay, I will have an extra $3.45 to squander.

The good thing about "extra" income is that it can be used multiple times. If I see a little trinket that I must have I can say "Well, I have that extra $3.45 to spend, so I can treat myself." I can use that same reasoning when it comes to dining out and running up my credit card and making frivolous purchases on e-bay. So you see, $3.45 really does go a long way!

Oooh I�just noticed today's thought provoking question "Where are you not demonstrating integrity to yourself" Hmmmph, that is none of my business. My lack of integrity is safely protected from my conciousness by my subconcious if it is doing it's job correctly.

Apr 2009
1:49 AM PDT

I am a writer....of e-mails.

�One of my many rewarding hobbies is exchanging e-mails with people that I don't know. I have gotten to know a few people that way. Some are fun and interesting, some are serious, and some are just good sports. Only one person has resulted in a real-life meeting, that was about a year ago and we are still good friends. Soon, I am going to meet another one of my victims, er I mean friends. He is the best, funniest e-mail friend ever. It turns out that we live in the same neighborhood and he has often walked past my house. I think the fact that he was noticing my house before he knew me is an indication of pre-stalking behavior.

We have not exchanged many details regarding our personal appearance. I want to meet in a crowded public place and see if we can figure out who the other person is without any additional clues. He seems a little unclear on the concept, but he is fun, so I am sure he will go along with my brilliant scheme.

Apr 2009
6:01 PM PDT

I spent a portion of my day messing with my joints and examining my eyeballs. I think that I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I know I sound like a hypochondriacal drama queen, but I have lots of good reasons to believe that. I was born with a congenital hip dislocation which was supposedly fixed. I am not so sure about that because my legs are twisted and deformed a bit. My skin is stretchy and all of my joints dislocate or sublux easily. I never knew there was anything weird about that. My daughter does not like to discuss this subject and she thought I was being overly dramatic. I showed her the weird things that I can easily do with my face and that got her attention.

Apr 2009
5:20 AM PDT

Yippee. I have the day off!

�I have had spring fever, so I was happy to have a 4 day weekend. Still, I have not done the things that I pictured myself doing. I want to clean up my outside area and make it nice and spiffy. I sweeped a little bit but my poor old aching back is sore and doesn't like that activity. I need one of those dustpans with a pole. That looks so easy, and fun almost. I can get one of those sticks with a pokey nail at the end to pick up debris. That looks really fun and it can double as a weapon. I can protect myself from home invaders with something like that. They will run and cover their eyes in fear of me poking out their eyeballs. Truthfully, I could never poke out somebodies eyeballs, even if I was in iminent danger. It would be gross. If you are a bad guy and reading this, don't get too confident. I might feel differently if you were stealing my silverware.

Apr 2009
4:59 PM PDT

Oh dear! am I late again? The time just got away from me. It is 6 minutes until midnight. You see, the thing is, I HAVE 6 minutes. That is plenty of time to write a big long entry here. A person who is not a time optimist like myself would be fretting and wringing their hands over the 5 minutes remaining until the deadline. I am happy that I have 4 whole minutes remaining. This little notepad thing gave me an assignment. It said to think of 3 good things that happened today and analyze why they occurred. I don''t want to do that. That would be introspection and I only do introspection on my own terms. That is why I am not a good therapy patient. O.K. guys 2 minutes left. I am wasting it having a writers block. Today was Easter, we dyed eggs and they are far to nice to eat now. 1 minute, gotta go!

Apr 2009
7:21 AM PDT

Okay, Let's try this out, shall we? This will be short but sweet. I was trying to think of which superhero I would be if I were a superhero. Tardygal was the best I could do. My special power is, well, I forget but whatever it is it had better be good because I always arrive at the scene of the crime 5 minutes late. I have to work a little harder to foil the bad guys. I always wear a scarf, so that is part of my superhero costume and it is good for tying up the evil-doers. That is also a contributing factor to the tardiness. Tardygal has many, many scarves to choose from and they must be color coordinated to the outfit of the day and possibly even to the crime fighting activity. Those are quite enough words for one day. I will have to ponder this further.

tardygal's Profile

  • Username: tardygal
  • Gender / Age: Female, 62
  • Location: USA - California
    TARDYGAL's Interests:

    About Me: What is there to say?

    Interests: yes

    Favorite Music: notes and rests

    Favorite Movies: talkies

    Favorite Television: color

    Favorite Books: hardcover or paperback.