ronowen's Journal

Jun 2007
2:24 AM CST

Thursday, June 7 - 9:30 a.m.
Ron got an IPOD for father's day and his good friend, Neil W., sent him CD's that were downloaded. When Cindy put the earphones in Ron's ears and asked him if he liked it, he nodded YES!! He seemed more alert this morning and opened his eyes for longer periods. Thanks Neil for your thoughtfulness
2 comment(s) - 05:20 PM - 06/07/2007

Jun 2007
2:16 PM CST

Wednesday, June 6 - 9:15
I know this may sound redundant at times; however, there is no change in Ron's progress. He is still opening his eyes and raising his eyebrows. He is also still grimacing with pain when moved. Please continue your prayers during this time of healing.
2 comment(s) - 10:55 PM - 06/06/2007

Jun 2007
12:12 PM CST

Monday, June 5 - 7:15 p.m.
Ron remains the same today. Still experiencing pain and receiving medications to help "ease" the feeling of his nerves growing back.
4 comment(s) - 03:49 PM - 06/06/2007

Jun 2007
10:45 AM CST

Monday, June 4, 2007
Ron is still experiencing pain and continues to grimace when moved. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
1 comment(s) - 11:05 AM - 06/05/2007

Jun 2007
2:23 PM CST

Sunday, June 3 - 9:30 p.m.
Ron is communicating more by facial movement. He seems to be more alert and is experiencing pain (which is a clear indication of his nerves growing back). They are continually giving him medication to relieve his pain.
4 comment(s) - 02:04 PM - 06/04/2007

May 2007
3:24 AM CST

Thursday, May 31 - 10:30 a.m.
Plasmapherisis will be continued today and tomorrow. He is opening his eyes and nodding his head. So much improvement over the past few days! Words cannot express how grateful we are to have so many loving friends and family members that continue to pray and lift Ron up.
Due to infection control, only limited family members will be allowed to visit Ron. Once his condition improves, Ron will love visits from his special friends. We will let you know once we feel the time is right.Thanks again for your support and understanding during this time.
4 comment(s) - 08:14 PM - 05/31/2007

May 2007
3:24 PM CST

Thursday, May 31 - 10:30 p.m,
Our visit with Ron tonight was encouraging. Although he still remains sedated, he is still opening his eyes and trying to focus. He seemed to be comfortable and nodded his head to a few questions. We hope his progress continues. They will be doing the plasmapherisis again tomorrow.
1 comment(s) - 10:09 AM - 06/01/2007

May 2007
1:26 AM CST

Tuesday, May 29 - 9:30 p.m.
Plasmapherisis was done again today. Ron tolerated it well and his eyes are continually opening wider!
2 comment(s) - 04:56 PM - 05/30/2007

May 2007
11:46 AM CST

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Today is a great day! Tiff went in to see Ron after work and he opened his eyes really wide and HELD them open for the first time. He was able to focus and look straight at her with those BIG BLUE EYES! He also nodded to her that he could see her. The nurses let us know that he is continually nodding his head when asked questions. He is making progress - slowly but surely! They also repeated the plasma transfer today, which went great!
7 comment(s) - 09:32 AM - 05/31/2007

May 2007
2:08 PM CST

Monday, May 28 - 9:00 p.m.
Plasmapherisis was successful today with few side affects (vitals).Tonight, he continues to open his eyes for his nurse.
4 comment(s) - 08:25 PM - 05/29/2007

May 2007
2:03 AM CST

Monday, May 28 - 9:00 a.m.
Happy Memorial Day! Ron is making progress by opening his eyes. His vitals are good and we are encouraged.

4 comment(s) - 09:03 PM - 05/28/2007

May 2007
1:25 PM CST

Saturday, May 26 - 8:30 p.m.
Ron's progress remains the same. He is still trying to open his eyes - the power of prayer is truly working! Keep up the faith!

2 comment(s) - 11:19 PM - 05/27/2007

May 2007
8:34 AM CST

Friday, May 25 - 3:35 p.m.
Ron is continually making progress by trying to open his eyes. Vitals remained good today. Looks like steps in the right direction are being made!
4 comment(s) - 12:29 PM - 05/26/2007

May 2007
11:31 AM CST

Thursday, May 24 - 6:30 p.m.
Ron showed some improvement today. His vitals were good throughout the day and moved his facial muscles. Thanks for the many prayers! We could not get through this time without the love and support of EVERYONE!
4 comment(s) - 11:37 AM - 05/25/2007

May 2007
9:36 AM CST

Wednesday, May 23 - 4:30 p.m.
Ron's vitals remained good throughout the day. They are trying a new medication to relieve pain and keep him sedated.
7 comment(s) - 04:40 PM - 05/24/2007

May 2007
1:03 PM CST

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 8:00 p.m.
Ron does not have fever today.They are continuing to give him antibotics. They replaced his central line and are still postponing the plasmapherisis until the infection is cleared. Thank you for your prayers and support.

May 2007
11:54 AM CST

Monday, May 21 - 7:00 p.m.
The plasmapherisis has been postponed today. Ron has developed a fever and his heart rate is elevated. Antibotics were started and they are trying to find the source of infection. They are going to try to do the plasmapherisis tomorrow. Pray for a good night.
2 comment(s) - 11:33 AM - 05/22/2007

May 2007
5:50 AM CST

Sunday, May 20, 2007 - 1:00 p.m.
Ron has continued to show facial movement. When Cindy opened his eyes this morning, he was able to keep them half way open for a short period.
Thank you so much to the people who are generously given their time to be a part of the blood drive today. Also, thank you to First Baptist Church for getting this set up. This means so much to our family.
1 comment(s) - 12:50 PM - 05/20/2007

May 2007
10:49 AM CST

Sunday, May 20 - 6:00 p.m.
The blood drive is over and we want to say a BIG thank you to everyone for taking time out of your busy schedules to help Ron. We were surprised at the turnout and appreciate each of you. They should be starting the plasmapherisis again tomorrow. We will keep you updated on the progress.
2 comment(s) - 08:37 AM - 05/21/2007

May 2007
1:38 PM CST

Thursday, May 17 - 8:30 p.m.
Ron has continued to move his face. He was moving his cheek this morning trying to communicate with Cindy. Spoke with David Hampton with First Baptist Church in Kilgore this morning. The plasma blood drive has been set up for Sunday,May 20th from 1-6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.You can call the church office at (903)984-3531to set up a time to come if you are interested. We are thankful for our church family!
3 comment(s) - 12:21 AM - 05/20/2007

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  • Username: ronowen
  • Gender / Age: Male, 70
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    RONOWEN's Interests:

    About Me: We want to start out by saying thank you very much for all the phone calls, prayers, and support. We will be updating this website periodically (especially when there is new information). You can leave a comment by logging on (it is free) and we will be glad to print them and read them off to Ron when we visit. Thanks again for everything. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends in our lives!