ronowen's Journal

Sep 2007
12:58 PM CST

Monday, September 24, 2007
Ron has been having good days. Today he was able to breath ALL ON HIS OWN without any support for two hours!! That is really awesome and a huge step forward. Little by little, he is working towards a full recovery. Thanks for continuing the thoughts and prayers
Tags: boo
4 comment(s) - 11:33 PM - 09/28/2007

Sep 2007
5:25 AM CST

9/11/07 - A MIRACLE HAPPENS ON 9-11!

What an exciting day God has given us! Ron had speech therapy today and they used a speaking valve on his trach. With the aid of the speech therapist, Ron phoned Cindy and spoke to her for the first time. He told her he loved her and that he was going to get better! This was more exciting than anything, as we have not heard his voice since mid-April.

11 comment(s) - 12:05 PM - 09/18/2007

Sep 2007
4:58 AM CST

Sept 9 Ron enjoyed visiting with Cindy and Tiff this morning. He watched the Aggies beat Fresno s he is feeling great today!
3 comment(s) - 09:14 AM - 09/10/2007

Sep 2007
4:52 AM CST


Sep 2007
12:32 PM CST

Wednesday, September 5
Just a little side note - Although Ron has been very tired today, hehas been breathing on the CPAP since September 1. This is a major accomplishment!!
5 comment(s) - 11:27 PM - 09/06/2007

Sep 2007
8:36 AM CST

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
We are thankful that Ron is without any infection right now. His vital signs have been more stable, as well. He does have pain, mostly in his legs, from time to time, which can be very uncomfortable for him. He was recently lifted up yesterday by a very special visitor from Jacksonville who suffered from Guillian-Barre in the past. This was another patient treated by Ron's neurologist. What an encouragement! He is currently up walking to share his experience and is left without ANY significant residual impairments from the autoimmune disease. We really appreciated his time and encouragement!
2 comment(s) - 11:33 AM - 09/06/2007

Aug 2007
5:41 AM CST

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sorry it has been so long since the last update on Ron, but with school starting back up, etc, things have been hectic for everyone. He had a rough week last week, but since Tuesday, he is feeling better and in good spirits. He recently underwent a repeat of plasmapheresis which went well. Last week, he had an infection, with low blood pressure and a fast paced heart rate....... thankfully, things are better currently. Keep up the prayers!
7 comment(s) - 10:08 AM - 09/04/2007

Aug 2007
11:14 AM CST

Tuesday, August 21
Ron has been extremely weak today. His blood pressurehas beenlow and they gave him some blood. A smile was put on his face when his dogs, Chelsea and Pip came to visit!!
5 comment(s) - 06:44 PM - 08/29/2007

Aug 2007
1:45 PM CST

Sunday, August 19
They had to stop Ron's plasmapherisis treatment early today due to his heart rate increasing. Ron is also experiencing leg pain. The last plasmapherisis is tomorrow - we pray they will get to complete this.
4 comment(s) - 11:20 AM - 08/21/2007

Aug 2007
1:19 PM CST

Tuesday, August 14
The plasmapherisis went well today. Pain medication was given to Ron afterwards. We are hoping these treatments will surpass all expectations! Please continue the visits - they are enjoyed!
5 comment(s) - 07:57 AM - 08/17/2007

Aug 2007
1:02 PM CST

Monday, August 13
GREAT NEWS!! Ron has been able to be off the vent for longer periods of time!Plasmapherisis will begin back tomorrow. We are prayingthat his body responds well to the treatment and his progress continues to improve.
4 comment(s) - 08:21 PM - 08/14/2007

Aug 2007
12:40 PM CST

Tuesday, August 7
Thank you for all the prayers and visits. We know that Ron enjoys each one of them. Ron was able to swallow his salivia today! They are continuing to "wean" him off the vent. This is great progress.
2 comment(s) - 10:55 PM - 08/10/2007

Aug 2007
1:53 PM CST

Sunday, August 5
Yesterday, Ron received a unit of blood due to a low blood count; however, he remains in good spirits. Today, his color had improved and he is experiencing pain in his arms. This may be a sign that he is getting the feeling back. Ron received a special visit from a Guillain Barre survivor. Thank you Karen for allowing him to relate to your experiences!!
4 comment(s) - 08:48 PM - 08/07/2007

Aug 2007
1:48 PM CST


Jul 2007
12:10 PM CST

July 31 -
Ron is continuing to make progress - it seems like the plasmapherisis is working. They have continued to do it daily for the past week. He is beginning to feel tingling in numbness in his arms and hands. This is a great sign! He has also been able to wiggle his toes!! Good things are happening!
5 comment(s) - 10:18 AM - 08/05/2007

Jul 2007
12:31 PM CST

July 25
Ron has been moved to Room 5504. The plasmapherisis was done today and hopefully we will soon be seing progress. Pray, pray, pray!
Tags: great
11 comment(s) - 06:39 PM - 07/31/2007

Jul 2007
2:17 PM CST

July 24
Ron's vitals have been unstable throughout the day. He has an elevated temperature and blood pressure. They are running various tests to find the source of infection. He is not progressing at the rate the medical staff believe he should, so they should begin another round of plasmapherisis again tomorrow. Please continue to keep Ron in your prayers throughout this time.
2 comment(s) - 02:55 PM - 07/25/2007

Jul 2007
7:05 AM CST

July 22
Ron's vitals have been unstable for the last few days; however, he is showing much improvement today. He is communicating well today. Thanks again for the sweet visits.
3 comment(s) - 05:14 PM - 07/23/2007

Jul 2007
12:30 PM CST

July 17
Ron wanted me to tell his friends "thank you" for taking time to visit him. Each visit is very special to him and he loves each one of you. Please continue to pray for him and his recovery.
3 comment(s) - 09:56 AM - 07/19/2007

Jul 2007
12:33 AM CST

July 14 -
Ron is adjusting well with the transition of his new room. The nurses/care staff are wonderful and attentive to his needs. They are beginning to slowly takehim off the vent. Thank you for the sweet responses, visits, prayers, and flowers!
7 comment(s) - 12:01 PM - 07/17/2007

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  • Username: ronowen
  • Gender / Age: Male, 70
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    RONOWEN's Interests:

    About Me: We want to start out by saying thank you very much for all the phone calls, prayers, and support. We will be updating this website periodically (especially when there is new information). You can leave a comment by logging on (it is free) and we will be glad to print them and read them off to Ron when we visit. Thanks again for everything. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends in our lives!