ronowen's Journal

Jul 2007
1:12 AM CST

Friday, July 13
Ron has been moved to Room 5501 at ETMC in Tyler. He can now have VISITORS!! Some of you have mentioned wanting to send flowers or plants and now is the time! It has been a hard transition after 82 days of having the same providers. Please pray that the transition will make Ron as comfortable as possible.
6 comment(s) - 12:15 AM - 07/14/2007

Jul 2007
11:50 AM CST

Monday, July 9
Ron seems to be in discomfort today; however, he is still progressing and communicating well. Please pray for him as his body is recovering and the pain makes him uncomfortable.
4 comment(s) - 11:28 AM - 07/11/2007

Jul 2007
11:53 PM CST

Thursday, July 5
Ron looked great yesterday!!!!! He was very alert and is beginning to move his torso and LEGS!!!! What awesome progress! I told him about the journal entries and he wanted me to tell everyone thank you and that he loves each one. Although I did not read the entries to him, I told him about each of you and how many special friends he had. He agreed by shaking his head. Please continue to pray for Ron as he is still in a great deal of pain and that his progress will continue to improve.
6 comment(s) - 11:23 AM - 07/09/2007

Jul 2007
2:27 PM CST

Wednesday, July 4
Happy July 4!! Ron's progress is continuing to improve each day. He is beginning to get some movement back in his shoulders and communicating well. Sometimes we feel like we are playing a game of charades!!
3 comment(s) - 04:56 PM - 07/05/2007

Jul 2007
11:33 AM CST

Sunday, July 1
Ron is still progressing well; however, he seemed tired today. Thanks for your devoted support and love.
Tags: ronowen
1 comment(s) - 10:08 AM - 07/02/2007

Jun 2007
1:41 PM CST

Thursday, June 28
Ron is continuing to show signs of improvement! He communicated that his arms and chest were tingling and burning. This is a true indication that his nerves are reconnecting. Please continue your prayers!!
Tags: ronowen
6 comment(s) - 08:55 AM - 06/30/2007

Jun 2007
11:40 AM CST

Wednesday, June 27
Ron continued to do great. He winked at Cindy and wanted to know what the weather was like. Communication is getting better!
2 comment(s) - 10:43 AM - 06/28/2007

Jun 2007
2:12 PM CST

Tuesday, June 26
Ron had a good day today. He did not run any fever and tried to smile :) ! Thanks for your prayers!
Tags: ronowen
5 comment(s) - 06:27 PM - 06/27/2007

Jun 2007
11:33 AM CST

Monday, June 25
Ron has not felt well today. He is runnining a slight fever and antibiotics have been started. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
Tags: ronowen
2 comment(s) - 06:36 PM - 06/26/2007

Jun 2007
10:33 AM CST

Sunday, June 24
Ron has had a great weekend by conitinuing to improve! He has been nodding his head "yes" and "no" and opening his eyes wide when surprised. He now knows where he is and is fully aware of his condition. Communication cards have been ordered from the GBS foundation to better communicate with Ron.
Tags: ronowen
5 comment(s) - 04:22 PM - 06/25/2007

Jun 2007
12:17 AM CST

Friday, June 22 -
Ron has continued to have great days. Thanks for your words of encouragement!!
Tags: ronowen
6 comment(s) - 09:19 AM - 06/23/2007

Jun 2007
1:35 PM CST

Tuesday, June 19 - 8:40 p.m.
Ron had a GREAT day!! One way to describe it would be like he "woke up". He acknowledged that he had been in a daze for the past 2 months and did not remember what had happened to him or where he was (which is truly a blessing!). There was a lot of information to catch him up on and share. Keep the prayers going! God is continuing to work!
Tags: ronowen
8 comment(s) - 05:46 PM - 06/20/2007

Jun 2007
2:12 PM CST

Monday, June 18 - 9:15 p.m.
Ron continued to have a good day - moving his head and looking around his room. He is also still communicating by moving his head and eyebrows. Thanks for your continued prayers and thoughts.
2 comment(s) - 02:32 PM - 06/19/2007

Jun 2007
2:25 PM CST

Sunday, June 17 - 9:30 p.m.
Ron had a good day today. He is beginning to turn his head and follow people and voices around the room. Happy Father's Day!!
3 comment(s) - 09:52 PM - 06/17/2007

Jun 2007
1:24 PM CST

Thursday, June 14 - 8:30 p.m.
Ron's vitals remained good throughout the day. Thanks to Neil and Neal he is "snoozing" to the music on his IPOD!!
3 comment(s) - 08:10 PM - 06/17/2007

Jun 2007
12:01 PM CST

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 - 7:00 p.m.
Ron had a slight fever yesterday; however, his vitals remained good throughout the day today. He is still moving his eye brows and opening his eyes to track objects around the room.
Tags: Ron
2 comment(s) - 01:23 PM - 06/14/2007

Jun 2007
1:58 PM CST

Monday, June 11, 2007
There has not been any change in Ron's progress throughout the day.
Today marks week #7 that the website has been up and running. During these 7 weeks, we have had a remarkable 9,697 views. Words cannot express how much your thoughtfulness means to us.Thank you for your devotion to keeping updated on Ron's progress and sweet comments you have given during these difficult times.
Tags: Ron
5 comment(s) - 03:12 PM - 06/14/2007

Jun 2007
2:10 PM CST

Sunday, June 10 -

Ron's progress is still the same today as yesterday. Here is a picture taken of Ron and his daughter, Tiffany at Easter (2 weeks prior to the onset of Guillain Barre).

5 comment(s) - 03:10 PM - 06/14/2007

Jun 2007
10:33 AM CST

Saturday, June 9, 2007
Ron is still moving his eye brows and moving his mouth trying to talk. He also kept his eyes open for an extended time and tracked his family around the room. We are making progress!
3 comment(s) - 08:56 PM - 06/10/2007

Jun 2007
10:31 AM CST

Friday, June 8 - 5:30 p.m.
Ron is still communicating by nodding "yes" and "no". He seems to be more alert in the morning. He is easily tired and rests often (especially after the physical therapist leaves his room!!).
1 comment(s) - 06:41 PM - 06/08/2007

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ronowen's Profile

  • Username: ronowen
  • Gender / Age: Male, 70
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    RONOWEN's Interests:

    About Me: We want to start out by saying thank you very much for all the phone calls, prayers, and support. We will be updating this website periodically (especially when there is new information). You can leave a comment by logging on (it is free) and we will be glad to print them and read them off to Ron when we visit. Thanks again for everything. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends in our lives!