mexiCANballerSam24's Journal

Nov 2006
1:54 PM EDT

Many times people tend to hang on to something that is already gone but really, the right thing to do is to just let go of it and do your best to move on with your life. When i think of holding on to something that is already gone i think about soomeone who died or a boyfriend or girlfriend that you used to be with and your still in love with but you nio surely that they have moved on already with someone else and you arent yet. Well, the bad thing about holding on to something that is gone can cause you problems. If you really thiink about it it is gone, and you holding on to it isnt it making it come back but all its doing is making you think about it more often and hurting you inside. Everybody goes through relationships and people die in thier lives but what you have to do is just learn how to stay strong and not let this effect your life in such a bad way. I understand how it feels to try to cling to something that is gone because i have been in a realtionship and we broke up but I still thought that we could be somethinig again. I just thought about it everyday and i was sad but then i just got overrit and moved on with my life and I just felt happier. People think that if they cling to sometyhing that is already goone that it will help them in someway and it could also be deinal that they are thinking and tryiong to believe that whatever it is isnt really gone so in thier mind they just say its still their or it could still work, shes not gone. On death it is really hard to let go because if the person who died was really close to you and known you for the longest ttime and all of a sudden he or she isnt in your life anymore. By letting it go and being happy with yourself you will be a much happier person. Basically what this quote is saying is dont try to hang on to somethingh thatt isnt there anymore and let go of whatevere is holdiing you back or something like that.

mexiCANballerSam24's Profile

  • Username: mexiCANballerSam24
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
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    MEXICANBALLERSAM24's Interests:

    About Me: my names Sam, I love basketball and i get along wit almost everybody i meet unless they try stupid stuff wit me. I go to Northview and i

    Interests: basketball,girls,having fun

    Favorite Music: r&b, rap, hip-hop, and a lil bit of anyhting else

    Favorite Movies: mann i dont feel like typing all them rite now

    Favorite Books: Hamlet
