mexiCANballerSam24's Journal

Jan 2007
8:40 PM EDT

This past week of school was the week that we all came bak from winter break and i had to get used to waking up in the morning again and i hated it but oh well i gotta do the samething for the rest of the year. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. day so i actually took a litle time to think about what he really did and without Martin Luther King Jr. i would have some of the black friends that I have today and some of them im really cool with so I thank Martin for what he did. On Saturday I went to the movies with Isabel and we watched the movie Stomp The Yard, and that movie was siiiik! It was a really good movie about dancing and the hard life of this guy.Damn, I just came back from practice and Im tired as hell! It was a hard practice well not really that hard but we all got tired because the fact that we didnt do anything over the weekend probably but I know that I didnt play basketbal over the weekend.Now tomorrow iI have to wake up early again and go to school and Im going to stop typing this thing because Im tired of It so have a goodnight and I hope I do to. peace.

mexiCANballerSam24's Profile

  • Username: mexiCANballerSam24
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
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    MEXICANBALLERSAM24's Interests:

    About Me: my names Sam, I love basketball and i get along wit almost everybody i meet unless they try stupid stuff wit me. I go to Northview and i

    Interests: basketball,girls,having fun

    Favorite Music: r&b, rap, hip-hop, and a lil bit of anyhting else

    Favorite Movies: mann i dont feel like typing all them rite now

    Favorite Books: Hamlet
