May 2008
10:35 AM MST

Abby & I went to go get gas at QT.Then we went to the new dollar store to get cards for Grandma's birthday.Then we went to post office to mail box to Colin sweet daughters,also mailed pictures to Grandma & Grandpa Kaspszak,Michelle,Paul,Robby,aunt Glenda and Mamaw.Abby & I went to Kinkos to re turn pictures for new ones.then we dropped off goodwill stuff,went to Walmart,then to CVS for my photo I forgot.Then came home made lunch & started cleaning,laundry,etc..Called Mamaw today,Steve is staying there again for free.

melissakaspszak's Profile

  • Username: melissakaspszak
  • Gender / Age: Female, 57
  • Location: USA - Arizona
    Photo Album

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    MELISSAKASPSZAK's Interests:

    Interests: My beautiful daughter, School, Scrap Boooking, Shopping, Eating out, spending time with my family. Computer, Dancing......

    Favorite Music: Rock-n-roll= Ac/Dc, Rolling stones, Savage Garden, Elvis, The Beetles, Janis Joplin, Kid-rock, Heart, Stevie Ray Vaughn, CCR, and a whole lot more

    Favorite Movies: Love stinks, Road House, Top Gun, Shattered, Wizard of Oz, 13 goinng on 30, Fools Rush In, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, A Man Apart, Triple X and alot more

    Favorite Television: All of the CSI's, House, Cold case files, and Days Of Our Lives.....

    Favorite Books: Danielle Still