limbo699's Journal

Dec 2007
2:29 PM EDT

im back

it has been a min.. since i wrote in this.. i have been vary down. my wife and i are not doing vary well and i dont know what to do.. i think she is seeing someone that she is down range with and i know that she has feelings for.. she told me that she would not hange out with him any more but every time i call her she seems to be unable to talk.. i love her but im sick of the lies and the pain that comes with all this.. she has done this before to me and i worked past it but this time i dont know if i can.. we have two kids together and i dont want to lose them or take them from her.. but when i think about it it really is about them and not me.. she is a good person and a really good mother but she cant commit to anyone. we have been married for five years and i just dont know what to do..

Sep 2007
5:38 AM EDT

how do you get past stuff that you know that you cant change. how do you forgive for stuff that has already happened. how do you work past problems that hunt you. i cant get past the past and move on to the future. i wish that i could just foget and not remember the hurtfull things that have happened. i wish that i could hold you and not remember what has happened. i wish that i could kiss you and not know that you have been kissing someone other then me. how can i get past that. how can i forget that.

Sep 2007
4:40 AM EDT

i have gotten some feed back on my writeings and i thank you for them. the prolem is that we have two kids together and that i dont want to loose them or her. just so everyone under stands is that when she cheated we were in the prosese of getting devorced. then we decided to work it out. now thats not reason for it butt we have come a long way since. its just that i cant get past the though of another man being with her.
1 comment(s) - 01:10 AM - 09/12/2007

Sep 2007
11:43 AM EDT

have you ever thought one thing then was like you know what that is not what really is going on. you think to your self you need to calme down and think about what really is going on. i have been obsessing about is she cheating on me or not. and tonight i was talking to her on the phone and i said to myself she is being the woman you married. and i reallized that i have been the one person that would ruin my marriage. yes she did in the past but i know in my heart that she is trying to make our marriage work. its me that needs to rethink what is going on. the problem is that i dont trust her but if i dont start to it will be the down fall of us. i just cant get past the thing of another man being with her. the most part is did she injoy it. but these are things that i will never know. so if i puch things the way im going im going to lose her but that is not what i want. so i need to start to trust her and also start to belieave in us. if i cant do that then things are alover with us already.
1 comment(s) - 06:55 PM - 05/20/2008

Sep 2007
11:12 AM EDT

when they say that love is blind they ment it. when you love someone you want to work through anything to keep that person. how do you know when it is time to let them go. or is there ever a time. i think that no matter what you schould always try to work through things. i think that you need to love that person with all your heart and soul and never give up. then maybe one day you will have the best thing you could ever have. LOVE... i think that no matter how messed up your life gets yopu can make it through anything. life can be heard but only when you give up is when life takes you. i know i have problems but im not ready to let go. i want to get that spark back that we had when we first met. remember when we used to go to the mall and look at everyone and laugh. we used to say hay look at her shes hot. or hes hot. and it didnt mean a thing other then we were alive. it ment that we were in love. just like when you came home and said guess what i got hit on today. and then we would go make love. when we used to hold hands all the time.used to kiss anywere just because.. remember when we would just call out of work to just lay in bed and cuddle. i am going to do what ever i have to to get that again. your my heart and soul and that is what matters.
1 comment(s) - 05:57 AM - 09/09/2007

Sep 2007
11:22 AM EDT

yes im new here and i dont know what to write. im going through some hard times right now. i just need to get stuff off my chest and have no one to talk to. see the thing is im married and my wife and i have been going through some hard times. see she cheated on me and then told me but i always thoought that she did it before also. she said no she didnt but i just found out that she did. its been a year and a half since all this happened. but the thing is i just found out that she is talking to the guy again.what should i do should i confront her or let it go. i mean there is no way that they will ever see each other again. i love her but i also dont trust her like i did.
4 comment(s) - 08:56 AM - 09/05/2007

limbo699's Profile

  • Username: limbo699
  • Gender / Age: Male, 45
  • Location: USA - New York
    LIMBO699's Interests:

    About Me: open to anything,i enjoy life and cant wait to see were it takes me next.

    Interests: snow boarding,camping,fishing,hunting,going on long walks in the woods for peace and quit.

    Favorite Music: almost all kinds

    Favorite Movies: action,romance,comidy

    Favorite Television: scrubs,house,prison brake