limbo699's Journal

Sep 2007
5:38 AM EDT

how do you get past stuff that you know that you cant change. how do you forgive for stuff that has already happened. how do you work past problems that hunt you. i cant get past the past and move on to the future. i wish that i could just foget and not remember the hurtfull things that have happened. i wish that i could hold you and not remember what has happened. i wish that i could kiss you and not know that you have been kissing someone other then me. how can i get past that. how can i forget that.

limbo699's Profile

  • Username: limbo699
  • Gender / Age: Male, 45
  • Location: USA - New York
    LIMBO699's Interests:

    About Me: open to anything,i enjoy life and cant wait to see were it takes me next.

    Interests: snow boarding,camping,fishing,hunting,going on long walks in the woods for peace and quit.

    Favorite Music: almost all kinds

    Favorite Movies: action,romance,comidy

    Favorite Television: scrubs,house,prison brake