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limbo699's Journal
Sep 2007
11:43 AM EDT
have you ever thought one thing then was like you know what that is not what really is going on. you think to your self you need to calme down and think about what really is going on. i have been obsessing about is she cheating on me or not. and tonight i was talking to her on the phone and i said to myself she is being the woman you married. and i reallized that i have been the one person that would ruin my marriage. yes she did in the past but i know in my heart that she is trying to make our marriage work. its me that needs to rethink what is going on. the problem is that i dont trust her but if i dont start to it will be the down fall of us. i just cant get past the thing of another man being with her. the most part is did she injoy it. but these are things that i will never know. so if i puch things the way im going im going to lose her but that is not what i want. so i need to start to trust her and also start to belieave in us. if i cant do that then things are alover with us already.
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- 06:55 PM - 05/20/2008
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Gender / Age:
Male, 45
USA - New York
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LIMBO699's Interests:
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open to anything,i enjoy life and cant wait to see were it takes me next.
snow boarding,camping,fishing,hunting,going on long walks in the woods for peace and quit.
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almost all kinds
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scrubs,house,prison brake