Casper's Healthy Journal

Jul 2009
6:03 PM EDT

Weds July 1 trip to Ashby Mass (BLISTERING IN SKIN AND EYES)

We had plans to go up to Laurel Farm (my dad's family vacation home in ashby mass) for a 50th family reunion and celebration of owning the 250 year old farm house and property.

My mom ended up working so he and I took the China Town bus up to Boston. When Grandma picked us up I had a really red rash like look to my hind legs and my tummy near my uretha.� By the time they got me home to look at it it looked like blisters were forming.

My eyes also were inflammed and red.�

the next day they burst and were pussy. My dad put an antibiotic ointment and by Friday am it was much improved.

My mother came up Friday afternoon and flipped out. she noticed my front pads were also red the black pads where half peeled off as though they were pulled back in a potatoe peeler.

We went straight to the local vet who said it looked very much like a contact burn. maybe hot pavement?� manhole cover?

seemed logical but at the same time I am walked in the shade and not left to stand out on any manhole covers plus I'm not usually out more than 15 mins. Maybe the dog walker got busy on the phone and I sat on the cement too long?� anyway we went home with antibiotic creme and it scabbed over the next day and seemed to be getting better.

my right eye which had a cornea ulcer a few months back then the veins grew over and never retreated leaving me we think blind in that eye and also a dry eye, had two blister like ulcers that definitely looked like they were blistering from the inside out. the good eye my left eye which has lots of pigment kerititis and edema of the cornea lens resulting in a very cloudy view of the world had one small blister (they were all the size of a pin head) and it looked a little yellow like it was pussy or infected. )

My mother started me on terrmycin 3 x per day and continued on the Simulasen Dry Eye Drops(homepath).

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casperTHEpug's Profile

  • Username: casperTHEpug
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - New York
    CASPERTHEPUG's Interests:

    About Me: I am a 14 and a half year old rescue pug. I have been with my mom for 13 years. I'm currently dealing with progressive eye deterioration and arthritis and cushings disease from a 3 year history of taking steroids for my arthritis. I also have had a long history of mast cell which luckily have never been positive for cancer.

    Interests: I love to eat and maybe live to eat. I love being out doors and going on adventures with my parents. They love me and do everything to include me in their daily activities. My favorite days are the weekends where we often go out of town or hang out the whole weekend as a family.

    Favorite Music: pop

    Favorite Movies: otis and milo

    Favorite Books: All I know I learned from my dog.