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Will's Daily Thoughts and Happenings
Apr 2007
9:03 AM CET
Terrible Tragedy of Killing/Shooting of 32 persons(Students/Staff) at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg,Virginia.Killer was a Student at V.T.and a Citizen of S.Korea.At least 15-20 others were wounded by Shooter. This turns out to be the worst Shooting incident in the History of the United States. May Our Heavenly Father be with all those affected by this tragedy-wherever they may be,and how they are affected. My Prayers are for all affected(however affected),and that all be aware of H.F.'s Love is with them,and his Comforting Arms are reaching out to all,to help them deal with this tragedy,and event,that only God can know the reason for. Blessings to All Will
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Male, 85
USA - Wisconsin
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WCIBJ10's Interests:
About Me:
Married,Retired,Active Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints;Conservative Socially and Politically.
Living My Life According to God's Commandments and Covenants;Serving others and my Church;Reading Biographies,Documentaries,History and Science;Surfing the Internet;Meeting People and Making New Friends;Spending Time with My Family;Researching and Recording Family History/Geneaology;Writing-Biographies,Fiction,Childrens Stories.
Favorite Music:
Waltzes,Polkas,Pop 40's-60's Songs;Easy Listening;Soundtracks from some movies;Light Opera music.
Favorite Movies:
100's of Movies;those with a good story(preferably non-violent);Biographies,Documentaries,Musicals,Adventure;Historical.
Favorite Television:
Many of the old sitcoms(mostly comedy),TCM movies,National Geographic,Discovery Channel, Fox News Channel,Sports(College Football and Basketball);occasionally Pro-football.
Favorite Books:
Book of Mormon,King James Bible,Biographies, Documentaries,History,Science,Good Fiction Stories,Readers Digest.