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Will's Daily Thoughts and Happenings
Jan 2007
12:37 PM CET
Hi Folks-Hope everyone is well and happy.This is the 'Ol Man checking in from Germany.We're getting kind of cold here-perhaps some snow,where I live tomorrow night.With Snow forecasts-I never put too much stalk in them-till I actually see the white stuff.I learned that,while living in good 'ol Wisconsin. It's been a good day for working on our Family History-and finding out more about our Ancestors. Had a nice family from our Church come over and visit us,this afternoon.We had a nice snack,talked and watched a DVD-called: "In Concert with Andre Rieu".I'll guess that there is hardly anyone,if anyone?-who knows who "Andre Rieu"is.You won't find his name,or his Strauss Waltz Orchestra listed on any of the "so-called music charts"that the "youngins(10-45)pay attention to,or listen to the music listen to from those charts.It''s not "rap",heavy metal",or "rock n roll"-however -at times his Orchestra and the music they play-sure moves along. His Orchestra plays Classical,Pop,Jazz,Polkas,Marches,Waltzes-and occacasional Country Western-and maybe some "light rock n roll". He and his Orchestra are very famous and well known in Europe-and is somewhat known in So.America and some parts of Asia-along with a few in the U.S.He has given Concerts in the U.S.-primarily in the larger Cities,like N.Y.,Chicago,S.F,Boston-and perhaps a few other places. He is at times seen on the PBS TV Stations in the U.S. For those of you who like "Good Music"-watch for him-he and his Orchestra give a great Concert-and they are a lot of fun-getting their Audiences to interact with their Concerts,by singing and dancing. Ya All Have a Good Day-"Cheers."
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Male, 85
USA - Wisconsin
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WCIBJ10's Interests:
About Me:
Married,Retired,Active Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints;Conservative Socially and Politically.
Living My Life According to God's Commandments and Covenants;Serving others and my Church;Reading Biographies,Documentaries,History and Science;Surfing the Internet;Meeting People and Making New Friends;Spending Time with My Family;Researching and Recording Family History/Geneaology;Writing-Biographies,Fiction,Childrens Stories.
Favorite Music:
Waltzes,Polkas,Pop 40's-60's Songs;Easy Listening;Soundtracks from some movies;Light Opera music.
Favorite Movies:
100's of Movies;those with a good story(preferably non-violent);Biographies,Documentaries,Musicals,Adventure;Historical.
Favorite Television:
Many of the old sitcoms(mostly comedy),TCM movies,National Geographic,Discovery Channel, Fox News Channel,Sports(College Football and Basketball);occasionally Pro-football.
Favorite Books:
Book of Mormon,King James Bible,Biographies, Documentaries,History,Science,Good Fiction Stories,Readers Digest.