Talacia's Journal

Sep 2006
6:56 AM EST

this day is shit... got my first regection letter from bloody pizza hut... damn ass holes.... I GOT FREE PIZZA OUT OF IT THO!!! hhehehe thats a good thing... well um, we are organising the formal still, and i cant decide who to sit with.ike my girlfriends and my close friends, or my actual date... i waas talking to my aunt ( who i live with) and she sed that if he takes me i should sit with him, but if we go separatly, i should sit with the other pplz... im soo confuzed. u see, i like my date more then a friend, and he knows tat, but he hasnt made any effort to ask me out or anything, but he asked me to the formal.. is that a sign he likes me?? my gurlfriends think he likes me. i got his number, i could ring him, but its a bit soon to ring, i only got his number today! anyays. cyaz
1 comment(s) - 03:37 AM - 10/02/2006

Talacia's Profile

  • Username: Talacia
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: Australia
    TALACIA's Interests:

    About Me: i live in sydney,br /> umm currently in yr 11... accademacly OK, if i could spell the word!!!! umm, like maths,,, NERDRON.. but thats ok, i guess. im not that much of a nerd... umm... what else, i have like heaps of friends. i recently changed skools, i fit in here ok. i moved from sydney to wollongong, so it a big differnce. i moved from home so i could finish skool. umm.. yeah thats about all really... OH I NEED A FLIPPING JOB!!!

    Interests: i like reading and watching TV... i like surfing and the beach! umm, ... i like home and away and Neighbours. geez, love my soapies. HEHE...

    Favorite Music: i like heavy rock, R'n'B, hip hop, some heavy metal. at the moment im into AFI, miss murder and prelude. but there are also spoofs of songs that i enjoy, like the spoof of Ridin' charm...(someting a rather) , and its called White and Nerdy. but yeah, pretty mixed... i went through a phase of classical, so id fit in anywhere... ;-)

    Favorite Movies: INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE!!! i love brad pitt. i liked 'the others', with nicole kidman.

    Favorite Television: HOME AND AWAY AND NEIGHBOURS!!! CSI, Law and Order... i like my crime shows.

    Favorite Books: im reading sister hood of the traveling pants at the moment, but i like You Gotta Have Balls.