Talacia's Journal

Sep 2006
1:04 AM EST

to feel love for one, and to feel the love from one. to be apart hurt, and creates difficulties in your everday life. being together whilst doing noting, you are happy to just be in each others company. to feel affraid when ones not around. to trust that they are loyal to you no matter what. to feel their emomtions of happy and sad. to know what to say at any moment, when there is a silence on the phone, its not uncomfortable, it is simply engaging in the heavy breating of one another.

Talacia's Profile

  • Username: Talacia
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: Australia
    TALACIA's Interests:

    About Me: i live in sydney,br /> umm currently in yr 11... accademacly OK, if i could spell the word!!!! umm, like maths,,, NERDRON.. but thats ok, i guess. im not that much of a nerd... umm... what else, i have like heaps of friends. i recently changed skools, i fit in here ok. i moved from sydney to wollongong, so it a big differnce. i moved from home so i could finish skool. umm.. yeah thats about all really... OH I NEED A FLIPPING JOB!!!

    Interests: i like reading and watching TV... i like surfing and the beach! umm, ... i like home and away and Neighbours. geez, love my soapies. HEHE...

    Favorite Music: i like heavy rock, R'n'B, hip hop, some heavy metal. at the moment im into AFI, miss murder and prelude. but there are also spoofs of songs that i enjoy, like the spoof of Ridin' charm...(someting a rather) , and its called White and Nerdy. but yeah, pretty mixed... i went through a phase of classical, so id fit in anywhere... ;-)

    Favorite Movies: INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE!!! i love brad pitt. i liked 'the others', with nicole kidman.

    Favorite Television: HOME AND AWAY AND NEIGHBOURS!!! CSI, Law and Order... i like my crime shows.

    Favorite Books: im reading sister hood of the traveling pants at the moment, but i like You Gotta Have Balls.