Nated09's Journal

Jan 2009
9:26 PM CST


Forgive all who have offended you, not for them, but for yourself.� ~Harriet Nelson

I picked this quote especially because I am having a hard time forgiving someone whom betrayed my trust...A family member, which that is by far THE WORST betrayal I know of.

I had written on Facebook, about my grandfather, whom I can't even call a grandfather, since he hasn't ever really been a grandfather. This family member, she copied it and sent it to my mother, which I don't think she had a problem, because she knows how I feel towards my grandfather. So, I guess you could say that I shouldn't be this upset over it. I'm not so much upset that my mom knows about this note, it's more so that this other family member betrayed my trust, in saying she would never let my mother know what I do, if I didn't want her to.

Now, I don't do anything bad on Facebook. No, it's a way for me to keep in contact with friends, not to meet people to hook up later.

However, I do believe that this quote is of importance to believe in.

'Forgive all who have offended you, not for them, but for yourself.' This is so true, by means of when one forgives another, it's not so they can regain trust, because that takes time, forgiveness is like a band aid, persay, for the mind, body, soul, and heart.

I know from personal experience that if you let hatred run your life, you will suffer consequences of friends not wanting to be around you, you won't be running your life on your terms, it will be revolving around the hatred, and how you want revenge.

So, the moral of this is, if you hate someone for betraying you, or something they did to you, don't forgive them, for them, forgive them for you. It's the first step to recovery and feeling better about life.♫♪♥

2 comment(s) - 10:05 PM - 02/13/2009
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Nated09's Profile

  • Username: Nated09
  • Gender / Age: Male, 34
  • Location: USA - Illinois
    NATED09's Interests:

    About Me: I am a senior in high school, I want to become a psychologist, I am a very helpful person.

    Interests: Tennis, cats, or any animal for that matter, giving advice, singing, to reach great achievments, having fun with friends, and helping my friends with their problems.

    Favorite Music: anything that sends an important messege, anything that I can relate to, anything thatI can dance to. Almost any type of music except music that degrades people. Also, I don't like rap all that much, some is good, I first listen to the beat, and then the words.

    Favorite Movies: Rent, makes me look at life and what it means. Raise your voice.

    Favorite Television: Charmed, I love anything that has to do with witches, and halloween, also because it makes me want to have more syblings and that bond. 7th Heaven, it makes me feel good. S club 7, the best british pop band ever!

    Favorite Books: Charmed, T*Witches, Harry Potter.