MsLadybugHD8's Journal
Dec 2006
12:54 PM CDT
Well, many days that I haven't posted. But only b/c I haven't had access (I've not been at work b/c of the holiday weekend). So, I thought I might post a thought or two for each prompt from the days I missed: "Indifference is the strongest force in the universe. It makes everything it touches meaningless. Love and hate don't stand a chance against it." - Joan Vinge, The Snow Queen ...I'm not sure I quite understand. Or maybe it's just that I have a different view than someone else might have, although I haven't discussed this with anyone as of yet. But I have to agree. It kind of means that same thing to me as the ol' "you have to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything". "Answer your critics with silence and indifference. It works better, I assure you, than anger and argument..." - Gioacchino Rossini I definitely agree with this. Because often what your critics are desiring, is a argumentitive response from you. And it also shows that you don't have to lower yourself to their standards. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt ...I couldn't have read a better quote today. My friend, Joe, & I got into a heated discussion last night to a somewhat similar type of issue. I believe that no one should settle for less than their goals (unless of course, their goals are completely unattainable...& that's a whole other issue). But Joe said that he believes we should all settle, because none of us deserve the best of anything. All I can say is that we do have a difference of opinions. As for today's: "People often use the excuse that their lives are uneventful and nobody would be interested in what they have done. But I promise you that if you will keep your journals and records, they will indeed be a source of great inspiration to your families, to your children, your grandchildren, and others, on through the generations." - Spencer W. Kimball I have no way really of knowing if this would ring true for me at this moment I don't think. Although I do know that I find it very entertaining to read my ancestors journals, etc. And although I'm not sure the reason, but I've had people read my journals went they weren't invited to, so there was obviously some motive behind it... So, tomorrow I hope to reflect on my weekend. I wouldn't mind doing so now. But I've already posted quite a bit. Not to mention the issues of the weekend are still so fresh, & just maybe whatever happens tonight might change my views on things...or at least I hope...and for the better too. Thank you Lord for my job! I do love it & it provides an escape of sorts from my ordinary daily worries. And thank you Lord for the many other things that I'm failing to mention right now. As it's almost time for me to leave for the day. Hope anyone & everyone who might read this had a wonderful Christmas, or at least they made it through it - maybe next year's will be better. We can only hope!
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Dec 2006
12:28 PM CDT
What life experiences have given me a sense of fulfillment or growth? Wow! Actually I would hope that I've grown as a result of all my life experiences. Even if the growth did not happen immediately, surely I learned something from everything that has happened to me. And also, even if I don't quite understand it as well as I would like to. For one thing, I've had a lot of close family members & friends die over the years. Many more in my life time than some people ever experience - I mean I know big families who have never experiences that much death. And if anything I've learned from that - it's that life can be very short for some. We can never really do things over. Cause once that moment (whether it be a second, minute, hour - whatever) is gone, it is gone for good. And I've learned that because of this - we should never take our loved ones for granted. (Actually we should probably take nothing for granted.) But we should remember on a regular basis to tell those important to us, just what they mean to us - & don't let them forget it. I've made several mistakes in my lifetime, some big, some small - but I prefer to call them learning experiences. Only are they really mistakes when we really knew better to begin with, & also if we choose to keep repeating the same mistakes yet over & over again. So, anyway... I wish a very Happy Holidays to anyone & everyone that may or may not read this posting. I wish you a Merry Christmas! (If that is what you believe, if not - then I hope it's a good whatever it is you believe.) I don't really have much planned for my weekend. Hopefully I'll get to spend sometime with my best friend, Vanessa. I would like to do a little Christmas shopping. I really want to see the movie "The Nativity Story". (Even if I have to go alone.) I hope that I might get to know my new friend, Gus, a little more. He's cute! And he's polite, or so it seems so far. I'm somewhat worried what's gonna happen with Joe. He really likes me way too much - at least way more than I like him. I do love him as a friend, but I really don't want our relationship to be anything more than that. I hope that things can work out so that neither one of us feels hurt or any bad feelings, especially over the holidays. I hope my Dad is okay, since he is choosing to stay home with his dog, instead of going to my step- sisters. I definitely understand his feelings, but he's getting older now & I'm not sure it's good for him to spend so much time alone at home. At least he has Brittany to care for & give attention to. I'm really hoping I can watch the Dallas game on Christmas day! I do love football! And Romo is a cutie too! Otherwise, I'm hoping to get some laundry done & clean up my apartment. Maybe make some calls to find my new home. And definitely some time to relax & realize what is important in life, especially at this time of year. Merry Christmas! God Bless You All!!!
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Dec 2006
12:51 PM CDT
What do I expect of others? Is this the way I really think? Or they way I tend to act all to often? Cause I really just expect people to treat people with respect & the way they want to be treated themselves. Unfortunately I also expect people to be honest, which is usually not the case. However, the way I tend to act, is as if I expect people to be able to read my mind; or as if they think & belief the same things I do. Which it isn't really fair, but I'm trying to work on that. And at least I'm aware that I have a problem with this. So anyway, it's pretty close to time to go home today. I wish it was Friday already! Although I shouldn't be wishing time away, as I know it's irreplaceable. Thank you Lord for everything you have given me!
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Dec 2006
12:40 PM CDT
Do I seek the acceptance of others before the acceptance of myself? Unfortunately, I believe that I do a lot, if not most of the time. It really depends on my mood. I do have my ups & downs. And boy, was this weekend a bit of a down mood - PMS really. I never thought I was that bad, but I was this weekend. And maybe I'm not all that much of a bitch every month during the PMS time, b/c I know that yesterday I cramped worse than I almost ever have. Thank God today has been better - almost cramp free. And I did get a fairly decent night of sleep, just not long enough. Now, if only I didn't get that MMR shot today - cause my whole arm & most of my left side is aching. Yuck! But I guess it's for the best. As long as I don't have a reaction like I did from that last 2 tetanus shots I had. Better go, as it's after 4:30 & I'm ready to be off work. Although in all reality I could & probably should work over to make up for being late this morning (I couldn't find my keys), but I'm not planning on it. I'll make up the time later this week or next if I can.
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Dec 2006
12:26 PM CDT
What do I give others? Honesty! Respect! Or at least I try to. I also like to share my knowledge with others; although I sometimes feel like other people think that I think I'm a know-it-all. Which is actually far from the truth. I'm so unsure of myself a lot of the time. I'm not saying I don't have confidence - because I do, but not in everything that I do. Well, I'm getting ready to leave for the day & for the week. I hope it's gonna be a good weekend. I need a better weekend than last weekend - that's for sure. The weather is supposed to be nice, so that should help. And I think Joe & I have worked out some of our issues between us. I really do like my job. And I enjoy my life, even though I have my down days. Life is good! God Bless You All! Remember to always thank God for what you do have, & try not to think of what you don't have. It's not always easy, but it makes for a lot more happiness in life! Thank you Lord for everything you have given me. Hopefully maybe sometime within the next week I can post my gratitude listing.
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- 09:16 PM - 12/15/2006
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Dec 2006
12:25 PM CDT
I don't have time to really post today. It's a typical Monday, if not maybe even a little more. Life is alright though.
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Dec 2006
11:01 AM CDT
What a day, or rather, what a week. It's been a long one, or so it seems. I'll be glad when these holidays get over with, & we can get back to some normalacy. Not much more than an hour or two, before time to get off work & go home. Or at least, I think I'm going home. I hope! I'm tired, extremely so. I'm just ready to change into some comfy clothes & cover up with a blanket & snooze in front of the tv. I think Joe will probably come over, which is okay. In fact, I do like it when he keeps me company. It's just that I hope he doesn't plan on me entertaining for him. Maybe I'm being rude, but he acts like such a big baby when I don't focus all of my attention on him. Oh well, if he doesn't like being there, he can leave. I can't wait to see how this journal thing works, since this is my first post. I like to write in my journal at home a lot, but I very rarely do take it anywhere with me anymore, nor do I really write in it as often at home either. But when I wrote in my journal all the time, I seemed to keep a steadier peace of mind. TGIF!!!
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