MsLadybugHD8's Journal
Dec 2006
12:40 PM CDT
Do I seek the acceptance of others before the acceptance of myself? Unfortunately, I believe that I do a lot, if not most of the time. It really depends on my mood. I do have my ups & downs. And boy, was this weekend a bit of a down mood - PMS really. I never thought I was that bad, but I was this weekend. And maybe I'm not all that much of a bitch every month during the PMS time, b/c I know that yesterday I cramped worse than I almost ever have. Thank God today has been better - almost cramp free. And I did get a fairly decent night of sleep, just not long enough. Now, if only I didn't get that MMR shot today - cause my whole arm & most of my left side is aching. Yuck! But I guess it's for the best. As long as I don't have a reaction like I did from that last 2 tetanus shots I had. Better go, as it's after 4:30 & I'm ready to be off work. Although in all reality I could & probably should work over to make up for being late this morning (I couldn't find my keys), but I'm not planning on it. I'll make up the time later this week or next if I can.
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Gender / Age:
Female, 54
USA - Missouri
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