MsLadybugHD8's Journal
Dec 2006
12:28 PM CDT
What life experiences have given me a sense of fulfillment or growth? Wow! Actually I would hope that I've grown as a result of all my life experiences. Even if the growth did not happen immediately, surely I learned something from everything that has happened to me. And also, even if I don't quite understand it as well as I would like to. For one thing, I've had a lot of close family members & friends die over the years. Many more in my life time than some people ever experience - I mean I know big families who have never experiences that much death. And if anything I've learned from that - it's that life can be very short for some. We can never really do things over. Cause once that moment (whether it be a second, minute, hour - whatever) is gone, it is gone for good. And I've learned that because of this - we should never take our loved ones for granted. (Actually we should probably take nothing for granted.) But we should remember on a regular basis to tell those important to us, just what they mean to us - & don't let them forget it. I've made several mistakes in my lifetime, some big, some small - but I prefer to call them learning experiences. Only are they really mistakes when we really knew better to begin with, & also if we choose to keep repeating the same mistakes yet over & over again. So, anyway... I wish a very Happy Holidays to anyone & everyone that may or may not read this posting. I wish you a Merry Christmas! (If that is what you believe, if not - then I hope it's a good whatever it is you believe.) I don't really have much planned for my weekend. Hopefully I'll get to spend sometime with my best friend, Vanessa. I would like to do a little Christmas shopping. I really want to see the movie "The Nativity Story". (Even if I have to go alone.) I hope that I might get to know my new friend, Gus, a little more. He's cute! And he's polite, or so it seems so far. I'm somewhat worried what's gonna happen with Joe. He really likes me way too much - at least way more than I like him. I do love him as a friend, but I really don't want our relationship to be anything more than that. I hope that things can work out so that neither one of us feels hurt or any bad feelings, especially over the holidays. I hope my Dad is okay, since he is choosing to stay home with his dog, instead of going to my step- sisters. I definitely understand his feelings, but he's getting older now & I'm not sure it's good for him to spend so much time alone at home. At least he has Brittany to care for & give attention to. I'm really hoping I can watch the Dallas game on Christmas day! I do love football! And Romo is a cutie too! Otherwise, I'm hoping to get some laundry done & clean up my apartment. Maybe make some calls to find my new home. And definitely some time to relax & realize what is important in life, especially at this time of year. Merry Christmas! God Bless You All!!!
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Female, 54
USA - Missouri
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