Mariah's Journal

May 2010
3:11 PM EDT

Mmkay. So I have seriously been considering attending Olney Friends School when I'm a sophomore (that gives me a two summers and a school year). Why not? I know I wouldn't get religious persecution for my Quakerism because the school is run by Quakers... Sure, I wouldn't really have internet access for much other than school work, but I could live with contacting my parents via snail mail. From what I read on the site ( ), the attitude displayed by the students is a lot more serious than you find at most regular schools, and at mine, there is only a handful of "serious" students. Very comfortable, communal environment, AMAZING music program, some student theater, vegetarian meal options (:D), and a town that's just a bike ride away (only on weekends though...). Those were a few of the pros, here come the cons- Expensive, no internet in dorms (like I said), all students are required to do farm work (I'm used to manual labor, just not daily), and I would have to do my own laundry (:P). I'm still thinking it over. Dad says that next fall break we'll visit for a tour of the campus and a bit more information.

GirlWithAPen's Profile

  • Username: GirlWithAPen
  • Gender / Age: Female, 28
  • Location: USA - Indiana
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    GIRLWITHAPEN's Interests:

    About Me: Don't judge a book by it's vocabulary. I can actually be a lot less complex than I sometimes seem.

    Interests: Sarcasm, Photography, Photoshop, Traveling, Reading, Writing, Drawing, Breathing, Acting, Hiking

    Favorite Music: Paramore, Killers, Coldplay, Snow Patrol, Counting Crows, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Weezer, Superchick, Skye Sweetnam, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Avril Lavigne, The Almost, Relient K, Utada Hikaru, Matchbox 20, The Fray, U2, Flyleaf, Barlowgirl, Fireflight, Linkin Park, Yellow Card, The Owls, Iron and Wine, 3 Doors Down, Kimya Dawson, Matchbook Romance

    Favorite Movies: Whisper of the Heart, Princess Mononoke, You Got Mail, Harry Potter, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Juno, 27 Dresses, Pride and Prejudice, Ponyo, Becoming Jane, 12 Angry Men, The Major and the Minor, Adam's Rib, Marx Brothers, Charade, It's a Wonderful Life, Rear Window, Wait Until Dark, The Uninvited, Rebecca

    Favorite Television: Avatar the Last Airbender, House, The Simpsons, Futurama, Psych, Monk, Samantha Brown, The Amazing Race, Moonphase, Mythbusters, Ghost Hunters, Cash Cab

    Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Charlie Bone, No Shame No Fear, Wait 'til Helen Comes, The Doll in the Garden, Deep and Dark and Dangerous, All the Lovely Bad Ones, The Land of Elyon series, The City of Ember series, Feeling Sorry for Celia, The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley (Who Planned to Live an Unusual Life), How Not to Be Popular, One Whole and Perfect Day, The Hermit Thrush Sings, Peeled, 13 Reasons Why, What My Mother Doesn't Know, What My Girl Friend Doesn't Know, Climbing the Stairs, A Crooked Kind of Perfect, Gifted, Ella Enchanted, Lily's Ghosts, The Red Necklace, Deep Down Popular, Mamotte! Lollipop, Kamichama Kairn, Kamichama Karin Chu, Outside Beauty, Weedflower, Kira Kira, Mary, Bloody Mary, Ghostgirl, House of Dark Shadows, Witch Child, Chasing Vermeer, The Wright 3, The Calder Game, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The Juliet Club, A Curse As Dark As Gold, Bones of Faerie, Zazoo, The Crying Rocks, If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Then Where's my Prince?, Smiles to Go, Bad Girls Don't Die, and many more

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