Mariah's Journal

May 2010
5:42 PM EDT

My locker is the very last eighth grade locker in the entirety of the eighth grade hallway and there are four seventh graders with lockers right close to mine. Yesterday, the two next to me caught a whiff of something that they thought was unpleasant-tempera paint. I can't help the fact that I always smell horribly of paint. We rotate our extra classes and right now, I'm in the art rotation. It ties with foreign languages for the best. And since next year, I won't be taking an art class because I was accepted to the student publications class (yearbook). So I've been working my bass off on all of my art projects. Right now, we're doing group projects, and when I'm in the group, they become Mariah Projects, but the art teacher, Mrs. H, has been getting on us about not working as a group. It was a project on Jackson Pollock that I just finished *wipes sweat from forehead*. Unfortunately, because it's not hard enough, we weren't allowed to just drip paint for the entire project.So I stayed up late doing a recreation of "The Key". She had better be happy with it, because I went out and bought my own posterboard, my own paints, and my own brushes, just because the other members of my group weren't mature enough to use hers. But really, the point of this was how prissy these two seventh graders are. Apparently, I'm revolting- I don't straighten my hair (I actually let it air-dry on my way to school, so it's really frizzy), I wear no makeup, I'm not athletic (a sin in their book), and I constantly smell like paint of some type or other, or of a theater makeup room (not a very pleasant odor either). Well it's late, and I still have to print out the written portion. Ciao.

GirlWithAPen's Profile

  • Username: GirlWithAPen
  • Gender / Age: Female, 28
  • Location: USA - Indiana
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    GIRLWITHAPEN's Interests:

    About Me: Don't judge a book by it's vocabulary. I can actually be a lot less complex than I sometimes seem.

    Interests: Sarcasm, Photography, Photoshop, Traveling, Reading, Writing, Drawing, Breathing, Acting, Hiking

    Favorite Music: Paramore, Killers, Coldplay, Snow Patrol, Counting Crows, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Weezer, Superchick, Skye Sweetnam, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Avril Lavigne, The Almost, Relient K, Utada Hikaru, Matchbox 20, The Fray, U2, Flyleaf, Barlowgirl, Fireflight, Linkin Park, Yellow Card, The Owls, Iron and Wine, 3 Doors Down, Kimya Dawson, Matchbook Romance

    Favorite Movies: Whisper of the Heart, Princess Mononoke, You Got Mail, Harry Potter, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Juno, 27 Dresses, Pride and Prejudice, Ponyo, Becoming Jane, 12 Angry Men, The Major and the Minor, Adam's Rib, Marx Brothers, Charade, It's a Wonderful Life, Rear Window, Wait Until Dark, The Uninvited, Rebecca

    Favorite Television: Avatar the Last Airbender, House, The Simpsons, Futurama, Psych, Monk, Samantha Brown, The Amazing Race, Moonphase, Mythbusters, Ghost Hunters, Cash Cab

    Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Charlie Bone, No Shame No Fear, Wait 'til Helen Comes, The Doll in the Garden, Deep and Dark and Dangerous, All the Lovely Bad Ones, The Land of Elyon series, The City of Ember series, Feeling Sorry for Celia, The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley (Who Planned to Live an Unusual Life), How Not to Be Popular, One Whole and Perfect Day, The Hermit Thrush Sings, Peeled, 13 Reasons Why, What My Mother Doesn't Know, What My Girl Friend Doesn't Know, Climbing the Stairs, A Crooked Kind of Perfect, Gifted, Ella Enchanted, Lily's Ghosts, The Red Necklace, Deep Down Popular, Mamotte! Lollipop, Kamichama Kairn, Kamichama Karin Chu, Outside Beauty, Weedflower, Kira Kira, Mary, Bloody Mary, Ghostgirl, House of Dark Shadows, Witch Child, Chasing Vermeer, The Wright 3, The Calder Game, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The Juliet Club, A Curse As Dark As Gold, Bones of Faerie, Zazoo, The Crying Rocks, If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Then Where's my Prince?, Smiles to Go, Bad Girls Don't Die, and many more

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