Dominoe14's Journal

Feb 2007
8:04 PM EDT

I hate how sometimes You have to keep secrets that you know are meant be told! You just keep on wishing that you could burst out and say the things you want to be said! Its so furiating how You just walk and talk and act like everything is ok but when truly...its not! I know that everything will end up right in the end, because God is watching over me...but I wish that miricles where free and you could take one whenever you wanted! would be just "Perfect"! Wouldnt that be great! I am tired of being in a place where lies come alot easier than the truth...and sadly It's true! But dont worry I'll keep and eye out for that...miricle! well...until next time! ~Dominoe14~
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Dominoe14's Profile

  • Username: Dominoe14
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Arkansas