Dominoe14's Journal

Feb 2007
6:44 PM EDT

To live one day in the presence of a miricle would be just fine by me!!! But..."Miricles" are hard to come across! lol I Live each day as if there was well...No tomorrow! I didnt really understand what that meant until one day The saying hit me in the face like a Big,Bright Yellow Bus!!! lol I Live everyday...Hopeing for a miricle but never actually receiving one!!! It terrifies me that one day something is going to happen and I am going to do things that I regret...which I already have but back on subject...I wish it was a Evil free world lol It would just be better that way! lol well...untiil then! :)
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Dominoe14's Profile

  • Username: Dominoe14
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Arkansas