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CarlyJade's Journal
May 2007
10:28 AM CST
Well I finally got to Puebla Friday around 9 pm! Flying was interesting, landing was pretty rough when we got to Puebla. I met all the student from OSU and i was really glad that they were so down to earth! The dormatories are very nice. They are have mexican architechture painted light brown with royal blue walk ways. The walk ways are all open ans they lead it a beautiful courtyard. My room is very nice, huge wood furniture. Sadly my bed is hard as a rock, and the big blanket feels like plastic. Dont worry though i took it off and there is a flece like blanket under it. The walls are really thin so i hear alot of stuff at night, but thankfully i have been to sleepy that i sleep right through it. The birds wake me up though in the morning, but hey at least its not an anoying alarm clock! My spanish speeching roomate will becomeing in a week or so. Thats going to be interesting, because my spanish speaking abilities are rather limited. The univerisity aka UDLA, where i am at is beautiful, gardens everywhere, a few fountains, and a very pretty pond sitting in the middle of campus. I learned the UDLA is the most expensive school in Mexico, and the students come from very weathly families, which i thought was very interesting.
My first day here was no stop. We all met at 8 am for breakfast followed by orination and a tour of campus. In orination that UDLA student put on skits to telling us dos and dont on and off of campus such as: was taxis are safe and what not to do wile bar hopping and clubin! lol Also the UDLA dancers put no a performace showing us how to Salsa!!! It was frickin sweet! For lunch was were served spanish appitizers, there was a small sloppy joe tasting thing and crackes with sundried tomatoes and goat cheese, yum. The traditional refresco was rice milk, which was pretty good! After lunch am professor let us rest before we walked a mile in a half to Chilula. That was one hellish trip but it was worth it because we saw some beautiful churches along the way. Chilula is known for having the largest based pyramid. We ended up in a public square with huge trees and lot of little resturants! We walked back to UDLA after getting some smoothies! When was returned we took a bus to the mexican Walmart. It alot like the ones at home. But the bus ride was the most interesting because we got to see more of the Puebla and Chilula area. We got back to UDLA and we were all super hungery,so we walked down the street to a resturant where we all ordered quesidillas con pollo y cervesas (chicked quesidillas and beer). It was alot like something i could make myself at home :). It was funny after my second beer i have to use the restroom. So I got up and walk to the ba�os. I stood in front of two doors which said "hombres" and "damas". I was pretty sure dames was ladies but i wasnt sure. So i turned around and Crystal( a OSU student) was smileing at me and siad "Damas". I thought i was very cool that Crystal was right there to guide me to the right restroom! :) After dinner a few of us still wanted to have a few more cervasas so we went to the store and I bought my first 40 oz of Sol ( which is their main type of beer). Ross, Jessica, Trace and I went to Trace's dorm. I didnt finish my 40 oz unfortunatly. I was to tired so i went to bed around 11pm Today was really fun. We all met at the bus pick ups at 10:20 and we went on a schedauled tour of Puebla. We saw the place where the city was founded and then we went to all the markets surounding the area. I was a ton of Mexican culture booths like art, clothing, jewlery, and of course food! I met a very goodlooking UDLA conselor there, who looked very american. He spoke clear english at times but then he would try and talk to in Spanish which was hard but i picked up a few words! I found out that he is not American, he was born and raised in Mexico and is working on his third language which is Italian! ohh lala hehe... We all had lunch. Stace and Niel ordered a dish common to Mexico, it was chicken enchiladas with choclate cuase, Not even kidding. I tried it and it was not bad. I also learned the beef is not common here. I wanted beef tacos but they siad my chioces were chicken or donkey. Crazy huh? lol ok well tonights plans are getting some dinner and going to bed early. Shakria is haveing a conert on campus tonight, and seeing that the walls are thin i might be using ear plugs tonight lol! Wich me luck class starts tomorrow! Adios amigos!
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Gender / Age:
Female, 39
USA - Oklahoma
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