CarlyJade's Journal

May 2007
6:53 AM CST

The first week of class was interesting! Breakfast is at 8 am and class starts at 9:20. My first class is Grammer and it last until 11:00 and then my next class starts 11:20 and is over at 1:00pm. Monday and Wednesday i got to a two hour pottery class, which seems like fun but after and hour i am ready to leave,

LastMonday we all took a bus to Walmart where i gotsome walking shoes and a few other things. Takening the bus is a lot cheaper then taxis but it is a rough ride! I was so tired after that. that night Neal, Ross, Tres, Jessica, and I went to a lounge bar called Utopia. Its really cute, it has white leather chairs, everything is white with black lights. Its but one drink get one free! So we figured that would be our regular place.

Tuesday we went to a bar called Tiki, where our friend Kyle was haveing a going away party. He had spent the last pring semester at ULDA, and was leaving that following morning! We played a game called Buddy ears,,,its a really fun drinking game that i will surly introduce to all my friends back home! We also found out that Tiki had a great drink special, 10 leters of beer and six appitizers for 300 pesos. (30 bucks) Between the eight of us its great deal! We finished the night at Utopia, were i got a margartia! yum yum yum

Thursday was crazy! It all started off with me busting my ass at the dorms on the tile outside. It just so happens that we were leaving to go to the bars! It had been raining and i sliped and rolled my ankle. It hurt so frickin bad, so i was like i am still going out, and I am going to drink alot so I wont feel how frinkin bad it hurts! We started with beer at Tiki, then Utopia for some Sex on Beach drinks. Our bartener gave us all free shots of tequilla, Jessica didnt take hers so Luara and I split it! then a few guys i knew from class walked into Utopia, and Cody (from Mississippi) grabed my hand and started Salsa danceing with me! HELLO with me broken foot! its was OK i couldnt feel it! lol Then we deiced to go to a dance club! OH MAN we had to walk like a mile, by then the tequilla was wearing off! Tres Carried me some of the way! We got to Club Bling, and started drinking Vodka and sprite! I think we broke a total of 3 glasses, because we were so far gone! lol Jessica met a cute guy from...

CarlyJade's Profile

  • Username: CarlyJade
  • Gender / Age: Female, 39
  • Location: USA - Oklahoma