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    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 114 entries
Jul 2007
11:33 AM CST

Sunday, July 1
Ron is still progressing well; however, he seemed tired today. Thanks for your devoted support and love.
Tags: ronowen
1 comment(s) - 10:08 AM - 07/02/2007

    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 114 entries
Jun 2007
1:41 PM CST

Thursday, June 28
Ron is continuing to show signs of improvement! He communicated that his arms and chest were tingling and burning. This is a true indication that his nerves are reconnecting. Please continue your prayers!!
Tags: ronowen
6 comment(s) - 08:55 AM - 06/30/2007

    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 114 entries
Jun 2007
2:12 PM CST

Tuesday, June 26
Ron had a good day today. He did not run any fever and tried to smile :) ! Thanks for your prayers!
Tags: ronowen
5 comment(s) - 06:27 PM - 06/27/2007

    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 114 entries
Jun 2007
11:33 AM CST

Monday, June 25
Ron has not felt well today. He is runnining a slight fever and antibiotics have been started. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
Tags: ronowen
2 comment(s) - 06:36 PM - 06/26/2007

    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 114 entries
Jun 2007
10:33 AM CST

Sunday, June 24
Ron has had a great weekend by conitinuing to improve! He has been nodding his head "yes" and "no" and opening his eyes wide when surprised. He now knows where he is and is fully aware of his condition. Communication cards have been ordered from the GBS foundation to better communicate with Ron.
Tags: ronowen
5 comment(s) - 04:22 PM - 06/25/2007

    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 114 entries
Jun 2007
12:17 AM CST

Friday, June 22 -
Ron has continued to have great days. Thanks for your words of encouragement!!
Tags: ronowen
6 comment(s) - 09:19 AM - 06/23/2007

    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 114 entries
Jun 2007
1:35 PM CST

Tuesday, June 19 - 8:40 p.m.
Ron had a GREAT day!! One way to describe it would be like he "woke up". He acknowledged that he had been in a daze for the past 2 months and did not remember what had happened to him or where he was (which is truly a blessing!). There was a lot of information to catch him up on and share. Keep the prayers going! God is continuing to work!
Tags: ronowen
8 comment(s) - 05:46 PM - 06/20/2007

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