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    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Mar 2009
6:48 AM EDT

chuck it all

With the economy in a questionable state, the nation falling under the spell of godless leaders and the growing threat of terrorism and the outpouring of God's wrath on this nation ... it seems a wise time to chuck living in a large metropolitan area on the east coast and head for the hills.� However with my home equity underwater since the housing crash the question is whether to hand the home back to the bank and just walk away.� Funds are needed for such a change and without some means of miraculous provision it is uncertain whether that escape from impending doom is even feasible.

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Dec 2008
7:46 AM EDT


Have an overwhelming sense of being a leaf drifting aimlessly about a pond ... no purpose ... no direction.� A few years shy of 50 and nothing to show materially or spiritually in the way of fruit for the thousands of hours of labor and effort.� Never thought in terms of whether or not my life would leave a mark but feeling more and more often the utter meaninglessness of my existence.� Cannot point to a soul changed by my influence towards being used of God nor can I point to the far less important success in the esteem of men or the accumulation of wealth.� Friends are few, distant and seen at best once a year.� I still struggle day to day, and fail, just to manage to pay the bills.� My home is not even maximized for what it is but rather is a mess, an eye sore, an embarassment.� Worthless seems to be a word which describes and encompasses all that I am and do and possess.� I marvel each day that God even allows me to waste the air I breathe.� Many years back I made a conscious choice to ask that when my life reached a point at which it was without positive value that in mercy He would take me home.� Seeing, through my eyes at least, virtually no positive impact on anyone or anything I wonder if there is something I do not see or if there is some tremendous reversal of this misfortune yet to come for which I am being preserved.� All too often I echo those words of Solomon's despair "all is vanity and vexation of spirit".

1 comment(s) - 02:49 PM - 12/15/2008

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