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    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 114 entries
Jun 2007
12:01 PM CST

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 - 7:00 p.m.
Ron had a slight fever yesterday; however, his vitals remained good throughout the day today. He is still moving his eye brows and opening his eyes to track objects around the room.
Tags: Ron
2 comment(s) - 01:23 PM - 06/14/2007

    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 114 entries
Jun 2007
1:58 PM CST

Monday, June 11, 2007
There has not been any change in Ron's progress throughout the day.
Today marks week #7 that the website has been up and running. During these 7 weeks, we have had a remarkable 9,697 views. Words cannot express how much your thoughtfulness means to us.Thank you for your devotion to keeping updated on Ron's progress and sweet comments you have given during these difficult times.
Tags: Ron
5 comment(s) - 03:12 PM - 06/14/2007

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