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    BayouClassic  52, Female, Louisiana, USA - 10 entries
Jan 2008
5:35 PM CST


These are MY goals for 2008:

  1. To build a stronger marriage with Cori
  2. To be a better Wife and Mother to Cori and Jazmine
  3. To find a job
  4. To start a savings -- FOR ME, FOR RAINY DAYS OR EMERGENCIES
  5. To start living my life for me -- stop worrying about what others are saying and/or thinking and live my life for me.
  6. To be back in school -- ANYWHERE! This is my # 1 goal for 2008.
  7. To exercise more. I really need to go this!
  8. to try to mend things with my in-laws. I put this in all lower caps as this is not a priority. I would like for us to be a family but I have to face reality, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.
  9. To be a bigger help to my Mom -- financially and any other way she may need me.
  10. To get back into church. When we joined Galilee, things were looking up for our family. We are not active and not going to church and things are back to the same ole same ole.

These are my goals. I want to achieve 90% of my goals by year end. I can as long as I put my mind to doing it and keeping God first in my life and not let others and their feelings for me get to me.

My priority is MY FAMILY -- CORI AND JAZMINE. After that is my Mom. Last but not least, is supporting us in the things that we need and want to do. PERIOD, the end.

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