xdyingxinsidex's Journal

Dec 2006
1:44 PM CST

There is a lyric to a song that goes "have you ever been alone in a crowded room?" and it made me think. . . hmMmMm HAVE i ever been alone in a crowded room. . .hmmm HAVE i? yes i have. plenty of times. because no matter how much u fake a smile or a laugh the real you will show through all of that. i remember trying to fake who i was just for people to like me and so i could fit into the "normal" when really is there such a thing as normal. . ? people are pretending to be normal but what is normal to one person maybe be terribly strange to another right? then if not everyone agrees on what is normal tecnically there is NO normal what-so-ever. . . correct? there is also another lyric that says "nothing tastes as sw33t as what i cant have" that is also something i find to be terribly true i mean if we can have it then why want it because u already know u can get it correct? yeah thats what i thought so we want things we cant get because they are more appealing to us like we have a challenge to get them yeah but n e wayz thats my lil dr.phil moment of the day Until next time,
2 comment(s) - 04:39 PM - 12/20/2006

xdyingxinsidex's Profile

  • Username: xdyingxinsidex
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Texas
    XDYINGXINSIDEX's Interests:

    About Me: About M3! Where do I start? I am a very gullable person I think that coffee is love I laugh loud without a reason. . . I fall in love WAY too easy. . . I have Had my heart broken and fixed by the SAME GUY You shouldn't hat3 m3 cuz my F♥R♥I♥E♥N♥D♥S are the Best I Believe the labeling people is wrong People are who they are. . . so you might as well just deal with it I love M33TING New People I have an Aw3s0m3 boyfriend named Max I have HUGE plans for the future. . . but for now. . . thats just me

    Interests: I ♥ all kinds of sports but things i love are: ♥colorguard ♥music ♥playin my flute ♥MUh Besties(((You Know Who You Are))) ♥Jesus ♥Hot C0C0 ♥Trying on clothes i Know i cant afford ♥Writing ♥Starbucks ♥Animals Yeah i know try to take it all in

    Favorite Music: Screamo is ♥ as is Punk or Emo I Pretty much ♥ Everything

    Favorite Movies: I ♥ cars lol i know i know : ) SCARY MOVIES R DA BOMB! if it makes me laugh, cry, scream, or show emotion i ♥ it -lol-

    Favorite Television: HmMmMm I ♥ fuse

    Favorite Books: i Hate reading
