xcheerfreakx's Journal

Jun 2007
2:24 PM EDT

Dear journal,

Today sucks my mom and john are pissing me the fuck off!!!! I'm listening to music so i dont have to listen to them be ignorent. I cant until school tommarow because i wont have to deal with them until school is fucking over. Earlier i was doing stuff to my scrap book then i got bored and called my friend and asked to see if i could over to her house and swim with her but she wasnt home. Then i tried texting chris and asking him to find out if he has a girlfriend because of stuff and he tolled his mom he had one and when i had asked the day befor he said no. so now im so over chris. Now i dont have someone to like this summer or play hide n seek in the dark or go swimming and play with well i do but not a hott boy like chris. I hope he doesnt see this. The last time i went out with him he cheated on me so you know what fuck this shit i dont need this im only thirteen and excperiencing stuff. I wish a really hot boy my age would move next beside my house and i go out with him and make chris jelouse. And i think i should move on now and never talk to him and makout with the new kid !!!!!

xcheerfreakx's Profile

  • Username: xcheerfreakx
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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