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xEyezOfTruthx's Journal
Nov 2007
8:12 PM EDT
Blackout Friday!!! AHHH
Oh my! I never new holiday shopping could be soooo STRESSFUL! I've always had to work the day after Thanksgiving, so this was a first for me, and all I could think was SAVE $$$ but WOW what a shock, It was CRAZY! No shopping carts, People fighting over parking spots, lines miles long, I was like FORGET IT!!! Saving money is fine and everything, but I rather pay full price then to deal with the stressfulness of the crazed people. It really is insane, I say shop online, if you have a credit card, and stay away from stores on blackout fridays.
Anyways....on to better things, My Thanksgiving was nice, I ate till I was about to pop...always a good thing in my family though, since I no longer live at home, and im no Rachel Ray.....Family cooking is a blessing in the sky for me...I'm more of a microwave kinda girl....I can use the oven but I can only cook things that come from a box....I can't make anything from scratch....maybe for christmas Santa will send me a cook, who can teach me...lol
Anyways....just wanted to blab a little its late so im gonna call it a night.
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Female, 41
USA - Virginia
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