wilsonbrandi61's Journal

Mar 2011
4:13 PM CDT

how i feel

today i feel better i miss david my love of my life he in jail and i need him with me now i am having heart problems and i need him i know that my mom and daddy is always worrying about me they have enough stress to worried about but thats what parents do when they love there kids they worried about them bc they do love you my mom and dad wants the best for me and my others sis i have one sis that doing mom and dad wrong and it pissed me off after what my mom and dad had done for her she rather have dope and tell lies that are not true and it dose piss me off bc my mom and dad has help her and she stab them in the back basically shit all over the yes its piss me off she needs help but till she really wants help she not going to change for anyone

wilsonbrandi61's Profile

  • Username: wilsonbrandi61
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA - Alabama
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