vanillabanana's Journal

Aug 2008
12:24 AM GMT


right. ive been thinking, again. what do i want from my life..

what are the things that if i died now, i would regret i never got to do or achieve. i might go all my name is earl style on it and cross things off my list!!

i want to play music, properly!.. i do want ot travel see a few things. i want to be confident, be a real part of the group for once in my life! i want to do something that im not embarrassed about 2 days later for once.. i wanna be a doctor. i want to be someone who can discuss "issues" like they really care.. i want to shed my awkwardness hell ya.. i want to live my life to a soundtrack.. �i want to write a kick ass book and turn it into a kick ass film.. hmm i want kids that surely has to be a great thing. i really dont want to worry about this kinda crap

and you guessed it scrap all that, i just want to be in love.

ughhhh i just need something to inspire me badly.. something to be excited about

im such a sad ridiculous romantic bastard..

1 comment(s) - 11:42 AM - 08/24/2008

vanillabanana's Profile

  • Username: vanillabanana
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: United Kingdom