tealprincess18's Journal

Feb 2007
3:31 PM EDT

hey... i am going crazy... my mom is starting to come between me and john.. she is taking away all my privleges and i already dont get to see him.. she is tearing my life apart... i am only aloud to be on the computer for twenty minutes a day now!!! this sucks... i am grounded for the next month or so i cant do anything!!!! she is about to take away my job and that is how i get my momney and that would be bad!!! i hate that i can never talk or see john... i miss him so much...

Feb 2007
11:30 AM EDT

febuary third was my 3 mont aniversary and i was in florida.. the past few entrys dated the fith are from the days i was in florida... anyways i miss john and i wish i could has talked to him on the third!!!! well the months are going bye fast... i am glad i am with him and i want him to know that but i dont know how to tell him.. also his bi]rthday is friday and i am clueless on what to get him... any help please write.. my e:mail is unrealdancer732@juno.com

Feb 2007
11:21 AM EDT

today i went to MGM it was fun, i road the hollywood tower of terror, and no it is not terrifying!!!! just makes you feel funny, cuz of the whole gravity thing... well i miss john!!!!

Feb 2007
11:19 AM EDT

sunday..... well i went to epcot today.. that is a place in disney world.. it was ok, but it was really cold.. weird when you are in florida... well i had a little fun and i will be going to mgm studios tomorrow...

Feb 2007
11:16 AM EDT

today i was in a car the whole time on my way to florida, so nothing to tell.. i am just a little crampped up and tired...

Feb 2007
11:14 AM EDT

hey its destiney today i went out with john and we saw pursuit of happyness... it was really good.. i am glad i got to spend some time with him, well kindof cuz his friend david tagged along, but anyways i am going to miss him, while im gone.. i wont be able to call or e:mail.. well anyways i am leaving now... till next time

Jan 2007
2:48 PM EDT

today has been good.. i cantwait untill tomorrow... i get to spend time with my boyfriend.... we are going to see pursuit of happyness, at the theature where i work!!! he will be home around 2:00 and we are going out at 5:30... yeah... i cant wait.. i miss him so much i hate that he has to go to military school!!! i never get to see him, but when we do see eachother it is 10 times as special cuz there is so much to talk about... well i will be online at 6:15 to talk to him... so anyway till tomorrow night after my date.. i will be smiling!!!! *destiney

Jan 2007
3:47 PM EDT

today has been ok.. i got in alot of trouble for not telling my mom where i was going... she almost took my date away friday... anyways i am just on the computer now.. e:mailing john.. i think i love him.. anyways friday is only the day after tomorrow... i cant wait!!!!!

Jan 2007
10:42 AM EDT

hey today is going good i guess... i have been e:mailing john a little and we are doing good.... so anyways we are setting plans for friday... when hecomes home.. well other than that i had exams today and got out of school at 11:20.. coolwell i will write tomorrow.. *destiney

Jan 2007
3:33 PM EDT

hey today was ok... well patriots lost the playoff game las night, and the colts are now going to the super bowl... anyways just sitting around, i had to go to the dentist today and my mouth is so numb i cant talk.. anyways just e:mailing john well waiting for aresponse.. anyways today sucked.. people at school are so mean and i want to transfer, but my mom wont let me.. i cant wait till fiday.. exams will be over and john comes home.. i am so ready to gotothe movies and have some time alone with my boyfriend, since we never get to see eachother cuz he has to go away for school!!! anyways from the boaring life of *Destiney

Jan 2007
5:53 PM EDT

hey things are going good.. nothing toreport.. untill tomorrow..*destiney

Jan 2007
8:59 PM EDT

hey today was agood day.. i got to talk to john last night, so i was pretty happy... friday just keeps getting closer and closer... cant wait... well i have exams all this week and i am not looking forward to that, but i get a nice reward at the end of the week... no school, i am going to disney and i get to see my boyfriend.. so anyway he just lights up my world!!!! i think i love him, but lets not jump into that i learned my lesson las time... as you know from my journal entries... well for now... fuma boys rock.... *destiney

Jan 2007
11:22 AM EDT

hey its me here just got home from school.. i am waiting on a call from john between now and 8... he has a swim meet tonight and he is gunna call me!!! i am excited.. we have been e:mailing all week, but now i get to hear his sweet voice.. i hate that he goes to military school, cuz i never get to see or really talk to him unless you count e:mail as talking... i miss him a whole lot and i cant wait till he comes home on the 26th we are gunna go to the movies and get a bite to eat.. so anyway today was good, just hanging around waiting for that once in a blue moon phone call i will get... after the 26th i dont know when i will see him again cuz he wont be home on leave for a while.. you know military stuff... well form the confusing mouth of *Destiney

Jan 2007
3:21 PM EDT

hey today was good.. just got home form shopping for johns birthday present.. still cant find anything. so i will try again over the weekend.. well i think i am falling for john and i have known him practicly my whole life... till next time... *Destiney

I HATE JOHN..... 3-28-08

Jan 2007
11:23 AM EDT

today has been an ok day...me and john stopped talking last night on a bad note, all because of me.. i ahd to bring up the frienship thing.. you know promise that if things dont work we will still be friends...well he said" Destiney .... why wouldnt things work?? come on!!! what could happen..." so i am a little overwelmed and i want to see what tonight will bring when i talk to him, so untill i know for sure... troubled*Destiney

Jan 2007
12:36 PM EDT

hey to the world... i am so happy... apparently i have johns heart and he has myne... so i am good.... i really miss him and i cant wait to see him again... well untill tomorrow... i am happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i heart my FUMA Boy!!!

Jan 2007
8:09 AM EDT

today has been good.. i dont have school today and i am online e:mailing john back and forth... i really like him and i want it to work out between us... he is so sweet, and i have never met a guy like him.. he actully care.. yeah i have known him since i was five so that gives him some props.. well he just makes me feel comfortable and i am so over aaron for real this time... i have spent so much time with john over the weekend that i really got to know who he was and to learn new things about him.. like the fact that he gets protective and JELOUSE, that lets me know that he cares... he is an awsome person and i am glad to be with him.. my life has been so good since me and aaron broke up and i moved on with john.. i have been much more happy... well untill tomorrow!!! Destiney the teal PRINCESS

Jan 2007
2:09 PM EDT

today was an awsome day... i went to johns house and met all his friends from fuma.. they were really nice.. i was classified as warrens girlfriend.. it was cute.. we had a little problem with people saying stuff about our relationship, but in the end it was good.. i hated to watch him leave he was so cute when he left though he gave me a hug and held tight and said" i dont want to go yet" me and him are gunna hang out on the 26th.. i cant wait... from the high on life destiney untill tomorrow...

Jan 2007
7:24 PM EDT

hey today was an awsome day.. all though i had to work from 9-6... after that i came home and got ready for a date with none other then john... i have know him since i was five and we went to the movie and had a good time.. something i had been missing in my life.. he really cares about me.. during the movie he just held me close.. nothing to extrem... just the way i like it!!! i had fun.. NO KISS, but thats what made it so special, cuz it lets me know he cares and is going to take it step by step and not move to fast!!! i have liked him since forever and we finally got a chance to go out.. i am so happy right now... also i am going to his house tomorrow.. till then..

Jan 2007
11:30 AM EDT

today was amuch better day then yesterday.... i am in a very good mood!! i have learned that life shouldnt always be about the negative things.. so i looked at the things that really matter in my life like my family and friends!!! as i went thru the day today i realized i dont need to be down about every little thing.. yeah aheart break is something big, but look at it this way... things happen for a reason, maybe GOD has something better planned for me!!!! well for now.... faith is hope and without hope you are nothing* Destiney

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tealprincess18's Profile

  • Username: tealprincess18
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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