tealprincess18's Journal

Apr 2007
3:03 PM EDT

not much today, just hanging out.. i just got out of the shower and i wanted to write some.. everything is going crazy.. my mom thinks i have depression.. well i got my prom shoes today i was so happy.. well gotta go

Apr 2007
4:20 PM EDT

not to much today.. my moms best friend died and she is pretty shaken up.. we all knew it was coming, she has had cancer for a really long time.. well thats it for now..
1 comment(s) - 07:03 PM - 04/27/2007

Apr 2007
2:49 PM EDT

to answer the question of the day!one of the most happy things i have done is dating my ex-boyfriend john.. we have known eachother since forever and it seemed we were supposed ot end up together, but the timing was completely off!!! well i just asked john to escort me to my prom, and he said he cant because his parents planed vacation that weekend because he will be home from military acadamy!!! i am totally cool with is.. at least he didnt say no!!! i thought he would, he actully wanted to go with me, and that makes me feel special!!!

Apr 2007
3:48 PM EDT

not much today either... i am thinking about asking my ex-botfriend john to prom, but i dont really know how to.. any ideas???

Apr 2007
4:01 PM EDT

not much today.. just hanging out about to do history homework!!! well untill something interesting happens... buh bye

Apr 2007
3:47 PM EDT

well not much just hangin at home!!!! so bored and i have nothing to do, no boyfriend to hang out with, and all my friends have lives unlike me.. i am stuck at home with my mom!!!

Apr 2007
11:59 AM EDT

what am i afraid of and why??? i am afraid of heartbrake, because i want to be cared about and it seems that every time i get close to someone i always get hurt in some way...so i am mostly sscared of that one thing.. well g2g
1 comment(s) - 07:06 PM - 04/27/2007

Apr 2007
7:55 AM EDT


Apr 2007
2:32 PM EDT

hey to all this is the first time i have been on since sunday, well this week has been fun.. on monday i went to the mall with my step mom and sister.. after i went and got my belly button pierced.. didnt really hurt at all... tuesday i went to another mall and it was two stories and bigger than the one on monday.. i bought my prom dress while i was there.. it is black and cream colored...on wednesday it snowed all day .. yeah thats how it is in michigain..we also went to a place called fracanos( best pizza) i wont tell my dad that!!!LOL then today we took my sister to get her ears pireced.. and stayed home pretty much all day.. i am not on the computer and eating cookie dough ice cream... till next time!!!

Apr 2007
2:52 PM EDT

hey all.. i am i michigain for spring break.. i got here yesterday @ 7:53 am, my other flight that was supposed to fligh in by 11:00am got canceled so i had to go to a diffrent location and get an earlier flight or i wouldnt be here... well i just got done meeting all my new familt and all my dad and step moms friends.. it was nice.. my dads mom gave me a 10krt wite glod cross necklace.. it is beautiful.. well i will be on some other time this week but for no.. see ya

Mar 2007
4:05 PM EDT

not much today except i got my braces on today and my mouth is a little sore
1 comment(s) - 05:09 PM - 04/01/2007

Mar 2007
3:43 PM EDT

not to much today... well i am going to get braces tomorrow so i am a little nervouse... my brother is leaving for the airport tomorrow, and thats about it

Mar 2007
5:15 PM EDT

well today my mom had gull blader surgery and she is fine, just in some pain..my brother decided to throw a chair at me and hit me in the back of the ancle.. the impact was so strong it broke the chair and i fell to the floor screaming... not to much damage just a fracture i think... well thats about it.. till next time..

Mar 2007
3:01 PM EDT

not much here.. i just got an e:mail from what i though was john, but it turned out to be his roomate justin that i met when they stayed at his house i january ( written in a previouse entry) well thats about it so yeah.. oh wait one more thing 4 more days till MICHIGAN...YEAH

Mar 2007
7:57 PM EDT

not much today.. i just bought a $400.00 camera though!!!! and i went shopping for my trip next week...but other than that, nothing!!! see ya

Mar 2007
4:50 PM EDT

today was good i guess... not much happened... so yeah untill next time... depressed

Mar 2007
1:03 PM EDT

today was a day i cant really explain!!! well i had my best friend stay over all weekend, and we went to church this morning and i saw my ex-boyfriend john and i havnt seen him since january even know weve been broken up for three weeks.. well when he saw me he just looked at me and then gave my best friend a hug, totally egnoring me...i felt so bad that during praise and worship in church i waled out and as sooon as i got out the door the tears that were briming came out.. it was the worst feeling ever..then after church when i got home emily called john on my phone and he actully answered, she told him i was sorry for the oqwardness this morning.. and it wasnt even me!!! we emily just left and i wont get to see her again untill like may or something... well so much for now before my heart explodes..

Mar 2007
4:38 PM EDT

not alot to report except that yesterday i found out that a guy that i work with named nick, broke up with his girlfriend and told my friend lauren to tell me!!!! thats awsome.. other than that not much.. my best friend is coming down from richmond tomorrow and we are going to spend the weekend together... fun fun!!! well untill then.. have a good week!!!** <3

Mar 2007
5:24 PM EDT

if i wernt afraid of failure in my life i would do everything i ever dreamed of... well not alot happened today, so yeah

Mar 2007
4:35 PM EDT

love when you want to and when you feel it... not when someone least deserves it.. well not alot happend today, just had to work.. so for right now nothing new...

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tealprincess18's Profile

  • Username: tealprincess18
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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