tealprincess18's Journal

Mar 2007
6:05 PM EDT

three good things that happened to me today are... i got to see my friend athena for the last time at work and we had a blast.. she is moving to ohio.. i got a call from my other best friend emily today and she is coming to stay with me next weekend and i havnt seen her since christmas... lastly i got to talk to a girl named courtney and we used to go to school together... i think the occured because in each situation all though i didnt mention it i met some new people... well other than that i just got home from woek and i am gunna go take a long hot shower.. buh bye!!!***

Mar 2007
11:22 AM EDT

what would you consider your finest moment??? my finest moment would have to be the time i meet my real dad and i didnt care what was going on around me... well other than answering that question, not much is happening lateley.. so for now...

Mar 2007
11:22 AM EDT

hey for today... well anyways i went and saw the number 23 at the movies last night.. how can i say this??? IT SUCKED!!!!!! the graphics were horrible and it shouldnt have been rated R.. the blood looked like jello, and the sexual content was just like in a pg 13 movie... i dont recomend that movie.. i just sat in the theature with my friend ready to fall asleep... not once did i scream, close my eyes, or flinch... well today was an ok day... other than last night i really didnt have much to say... untill next time...*

Mar 2007
1:10 PM EDT

not to much going on today.. i ma going to the movies today with a friend to see the number 23.. i am excited.. it is supposed to be really scary, and the person im going with is bringing her boyfriend so i am gunna feel like a third wheel... oh well she is moving this weekend to ohio and i wanted to spend time with her before she leaves... athena is like my big sister.... well untill next time..

Mar 2007
3:19 PM EDT

not much to tell today.. john came back today from a fronteering meet, well not back as in home but as in he is back at the school so we can talk about whats going on between us thru e:mail.. anyways my mouth still hurts from that tooth being pooled, so they could put on braces... well i gotta go duties call... untill next time

Mar 2007
9:25 PM EDT

today was supposed to be my four months with jon and as i wrote in a previouse entry .. we are no longer together... anyways i had to work today with my friend athena and she let me drive home cuz she gave me a ride.. it was fun

Mar 2007
5:25 PM EDT

what life experiances have given me fulfillment and growth? well my brakeup with john has given me growth to be stronger, and hold my emotions together and beleive in what i want.. i dont really know what has given me fulfillment.. other than me being happy when i am with john.. today was good i had to go to the dentist so i am light headed from all the novicane.. about to go to bed!!!

Feb 2007
3:32 PM EDT

what do i exspect of others?? i exspect them to respect me and be kind!! well today was much better than yesterday.. me and john are gunna be good friends for now.. it was hard in a relationship with him away at school and i totally understand.. the timing was just off..people say that if you really care and love someone than timing shouldnt matter.. but really timing plays a big role... john just doesnt want to hurt me and us being apart was ruining our friendship,,, well for now we are considered in a open relationship!!!

Feb 2007
3:46 PM EDT

well todays quote is how do i define love??? i define love as trust and caring... you need to have faith in all you do in order to love... well today has been a good day.. i went driving around today and it was fun...just hanging around at home doing nothing...i thought i would write...

Feb 2007
5:27 PM EDT

hey another day has come and gone... well to my knowlege anyway.. not much to report.. i had to work all day so i am really tired and i have homework to do.. untill the next time as time flys!!!

Feb 2007
4:43 PM EDT

today has been so crazy.. i dont even want to think right now.. well i got a lecture from my gradparents about my boyfriend who they dont eve] n know... so i dont even know.. the called him a dirtbag and they have never even met or talked to him....well for now..

Feb 2007
7:09 PM EDT

hey today was an ok day... i got an e:mail from john and he misses me... i miss him so much!!! i havnt seen him in almost a month... well other than that me and my mom got into a major fight,and she yelded at me for what felt like forever.. well i have to go i need to get ready for bed cuz it is 10:10 at night.. till next time..*Destiney

Feb 2007
3:09 PM EDT

i got stage fright.... OMG i am going crazy!!!! today was a weird day and i dont want to talk about it cuz there is nothing to say...

Feb 2007
1:58 PM EDT

hey not uch more to say today, than yesterday.. i am at a hard place in my relationship with john.. we are both getting tired of not being able to see eachother when he comes home.. our parents always make seperate plans to keep us apart.. i dont know if it is intentional, but anyways i want this to work out.... so if you have any advice e:Mail me at unrealdancer732@juno.com

Feb 2007
2:26 PM EDT

well nothing much here.. i just got an e:amil form john so i am pretty happy... but other than that i have to go get ready for a staff meeting...

Feb 2007
3:37 PM EDT


Feb 2007
3:20 PM EDT


Feb 2007
2:56 PM EDT

hey its me .. i went to my job today to find out why my manager wanted to talk to me.... well it was just because i had called a day off and came to see a movie anyways with john!!! how stupid i kow so he gave me a warning... oh well today is johns birthday and he hasnt e:mailed me in a couple of days.. well i know he has district chorus all weekend so he might not have time... well i hope he does well.. he has a great voice.. well i miss him and i have to work all weekend so talk to you all s]oon...
1 comment(s) - 05:59 PM - 02/20/2007

Feb 2007
3:27 PM EDT

hey its me as usual and i am in an ok mood today... i havnt talked to john yet, but i am hoping he gets on soon.. i miss him so much and am glad he is coming home next weekend... also i called my work today to see if i was worknig and the schedule said see a manager.. i am nevouse to see why a manager wants to talk to me... but oh well i also went to the dentist today and got out of school at 10:00... well untill next time.. in love*

Feb 2007
3:32 PM EDT

hey i just got an e:mail from john, and he is coming home next weekend, only a few days after valentines day!!!!! well he wasnt supposed to come home till march 10th... so i am excited that i get to see him!!! well that was the high light of my day... and the downfall was that my mom might not let me go out next weekend... but i will get to see him at church...hopefully!! i miss him so bad.. today was the first time i have herd from him since i went to florida.. well till next time...

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tealprincess18's Profile

  • Username: tealprincess18
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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