tacross1s's Journal

May 2007
4:27 AM EDT

Isn't it amazing how people try to hold on to something or shape it to be what it was not God has a purpose for everyone and when someone is trying to interfere with that purpose or plan it fails. A pawn cannnot be a queen nor a knight a rook all of these pieces have specific uses, some players are more flexible while others are not but all has a useful place in the game of chess. I wish that more people, including myself, would search for themselves in God, Jesus Christ, and stop trying to be something they are not or looking to other people and trying to manipulate people to be what they want them to be. The Bible speaks of everyone having a purpose in the body of Christ and how we all need each other that is true in the working world. Where would the world be without a trash man or where would the world be without a doctor.

tacross1s's Profile

  • Username: tacross1s
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA - Missouri
    TACROSS1S's Interests:

    About Me:  'MySpace LayoutsMySpace LayoutsMySpace CodesMySpace Backgrounds

    Interests: Traveling, Watching Movies,

    Favorite Music: R&B, Instrumentals,

    Favorite Movies: Stomp The Yard, Step Up,