tacross1s's Journal

May 2007
2:33 PM EDT

It is amazing how I live my life to see someone else'. I watch movies, which is a story of others struggles on film. Particularly I looked up Brian J White's profile. I was introduced to this person by his portrayal of Sly on Stomp The Yard (my favorite movie), and what I found was incredible. I found out that this man is a philanthropist, businessman, model, actor, dancer and then some. He has much experience in making positive choices with his life, and it shows. Except as I continued to think about it, only what we do for God will last. It is not our impressive resume's that will get God's attention but it is what we do for God.
1 comment(s) - 09:39 PM - 05/27/2007

May 2007
2:59 AM EDT

What do I brag about. I think I brag about things that are insignificant. But in a way I don't think that I brag about anything. I would much rather have people tell me what is good about me than for me to do that myself. That is a dangerous position because people can sometimes see only what they want to see about you. I can be such a bad person but if people see only good often and never acknowledge the bad then that puts the person in a horrible situation of not knowing who they are because someone else didn't "tell them". It always seem that the areas we feel the weakest at are much more powerful than the areas we are so called confident in, figures.

May 2007
4:27 AM EDT

Isn't it amazing how people try to hold on to something or shape it to be what it was not God has a purpose for everyone and when someone is trying to interfere with that purpose or plan it fails. A pawn cannnot be a queen nor a knight a rook all of these pieces have specific uses, some players are more flexible while others are not but all has a useful place in the game of chess. I wish that more people, including myself, would search for themselves in God, Jesus Christ, and stop trying to be something they are not or looking to other people and trying to manipulate people to be what they want them to be. The Bible speaks of everyone having a purpose in the body of Christ and how we all need each other that is true in the working world. Where would the world be without a trash man or where would the world be without a doctor.

May 2007
2:26 AM EDT

That's amazing because that is exactly what Jesus Christ does. He loves us when we have lied to other people, gotten angry and said harsh words, he has somehow loved us when we shouldn't have been loved. He looked at our pathetic existance and said let me give you a chance to live, really live life, let me die because obviously you can't handle your mess. Somehow Christ loved us so much that he said you don't deserve my sacrifice but I will give it to you because I love you so. Thank you God, help me to live my life like I appreciate it.

May 2007
3:30 AM EDT

My finist moment has never been experienced because I have yet to reach that Valley experience in my mind. I hope to get to the place were my mind is renewed so much by the Word of God that the Devil have to constantly think of ways to defeat me but I am walking in my dominating authority. I would love to experience growing closer to God daily and trusting and depending on Him. My finest moment is yet to come.

tacross1s's Profile

  • Username: tacross1s
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA - Missouri
    TACROSS1S's Interests:

    About Me:  'MySpace LayoutsMySpace LayoutsMySpace CodesMySpace Backgrounds

    Interests: Traveling, Watching Movies,

    Favorite Music: R&B, Instrumentals,

    Favorite Movies: Stomp The Yard, Step Up,