supercute1's Journal

Dec 2010
7:48 PM CST

He said: " o each other, we are a gift from God. To me the most speciial and most amazing gift I will ever receive in my life."

I responded: I'm trying not to cry right now. I'm holding back.

He asks: Good cry?

I say: happy tears.. I love you too.

He smiles :)
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Nov 2010
4:38 PM EDT

When you love someone

When you love someone, you love all of them. You love the things you don't find loveable and the things you find loveable. Love is the key to evey heartache and the key to every wonder. It fixes a breaking heart and makes a good moment even better. Things that you have in common with someone will turn a friend that you like into someone you love.

Honesty makes a relationship. It makes it clear and it makes it pure. You cannot plan love. Love just falls into place. It falls into the way things are suppose to be all on it's own. Love just happens unexpectedly. Like a peddle falls from a rose very genly and suddenly out of nowhere. Nobody can plan love. Love is love. Love is gantle, love is kind, love is everlasting and love is always there when needed. But most importantly, love is a fighting battle that is very rewarding in the end. A battle worth fighting for.
1 comment(s) - 07:44 PM - 11/19/2010
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Nov 2010
7:52 PM EDT

The Road to LOVE

there is a road
a long and winding road
the type of road that leads people together
but can also lead them apart
it is very hard to get to the end of the road
it is very hard because
there are so many options
so many directions
a one way road would be too easy
this makes it a challenge
says: fight for it, it's worth it
this road�helps you know what you are fighting for
you are fighting for your life
to live it in the best means possible
you are fighting for love
the love that beats in your heart
the love that beats in people you love
the people that love you but have a hard time showing it
the people that understand you and know it
the people that need you just as much
just as much as you need them
a four letter word
a strong four letter word
a word that says you are mine
you are mine and I am yours
we have each other and so
nothing can get in our way
nothing can get in our way because "We" won't let it
LOVE... for the way your mood is
LOVE... for the way you talk
LOVE... for the way you think
LOVE... for the way you are
LOVE that beats in your heart
And, the person that has�been around you for so long
so long that�you have become very well known
This person knows things about you that you don't even know about yourself
Best of all this person LOVES you and will pick you up when you fall
It's Always and Forever LOVE!

1 comment(s) - 07:52 PM - 11/19/2010
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Nov 2010
7:14 PM EDT


Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."- Mary Anne Radmacher
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Oct 2010
5:02 PM EDT

I Found Me in the Middle of Everyone Else

Running to a dry fountain was not helping the fact I was thirsty. My thinking was wrong and I had no idea how to make it right. I also had no idea who would be around to help me. Thoughts of hopelessness and helplessness were playing in my head�like a broken record (replaying over and over again and again). I also had no idea who would be around to help me. I needed help but didn't know where to find it. All this thinking was consuming me. It was literally taking over my life.

I was in college and built a road to success. Within a month that bridge was torn down with a big mess. I know I was doing the right thing. I just don't know why I was putting so much pressure on myself. My doctor told me that I over analyze things. My family told me the same thing. But in all honesty, I was confused about everything happening around me. Talking to my doctor was the best route to take because that was where I found help. I learned how to take care of myself first. I learned that in order to love and care for anyone else I have to love and care for myself. Also, I learned that a happy life comes with the balance of work, leisure and sleep.
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Oct 2010
4:21 PM EDT

Upset and hurt

I have another account with this sight. My username is: redshotlizard
Minutes ago I�tried logging into my old account and could not. I tried over and over again and again. Anyone that writes understands how upsetting it is to lose matterial they thought of and wrote on their own. I want whoever is out there that hacked into my accountto know�it is�pointless, it is�hurtful and it is selfish.��I'm just glad my most recent entry�was saved.�I am going to re-enter it.

2 comment(s) - 10:37 AM - 11/05/2010
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supercute1's Profile

  • Username: supercute1
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Rhode Island