storminorma's Journal

Jan 2007
1:12 PM EDT

Jesus Christ, who traveled this Earth as a preacher, and teacher, of the word of God..We persecuted him in the most barbaric ways of torture, and with such animosity, for what?! A Prince of Peace, a humble servant for his Father, our Lord, whose laws we built this Nation on!! I try to imitate him, and his ways to the best of my ability. Although we all fall way short of his great love, I will continue to strive for progress in all areas.
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Jan 2007
7:20 AM EDT

I have committed myself to reading scripture everyday. I have found that not only do I need to hear the word of God daily, but I also enjoy it. I have witnessed so many changes when people apply what we learn from the Bible to our lives and always for the better..why wouldn't we want a committment like that?!
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Jan 2007
7:01 AM EDT

No one is perfect, we all fall short. I try to keep my priorities God first..for whatever reasons he puts people in our lives, (paths) to serve His purpose. Even when difficult and painful to our hearts..we don't need to know why. We can't be led by our flesh either..Faith to help get us through those times can only help us. Also committment and sacrifice should go hand- in-hand in any relationship..including our relationship with God.
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Dec 2006
5:54 AM EDT

True although not always easy. I tend to speak my mind if I feel strongly about the issue at hand. I also have no tolerance for abuse of any kind, which means I have reacted in a "not so Christian way" to people I have witnessed as instigators, abusive, or troublesome to me, or others who cannot defend themselves..the less fortunate, (or "under- dogs, if you will!) I like the fact that I don't tolerate ill behaviors from others, it shows I love and respect myself, and others enough to speak up, and am still strong enough to stand up if need be! I crawl before no one but the Lord, AND NO ONE!! on this planet has the right to use another for a door mat to wipe their miserable feet on!! That's abuse!! If the "issue" is only a difference of opinion, and someone wants to "argue" about it, I don't waste my precious energy trying to sway them. Most things of this nature are not that important to me, and anyways my good friend Joe used to always tell me, "Norma, some will fall by the wayside." Thanks for the words of wisdom Joe!
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Dec 2006
5:46 AM EDT

Staying "neutral" involving love and hate..Hmmm...I would say you don't "truly love, or hate" "IT" enough. Personally I don't believe I hate anything, or at least I try not to. I believe that even when something "bad" invades our lives, there is always a good lesson to learn from it. But I do agree neutrality makes things meaningless. I tend to be an "outspoken" woman if I feel strongly regarding any issues, and I am not afraid of what others opinions may be. We are all entitled to our own beliefs, but being neutral not only shows lack of interest, it is useless to anyone.
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Dec 2006
8:30 AM EDT

I guess 46 years of life, and I still remember things when I was just two years old,(YES IT'S TRUE! I never tell a lie!) my life experiences have taught me many lessons..I understand them better as time goes on. Maybe maturity gives me a different perspective on happenings in the past. Life is a constant learning process, and we are supposed to enjoy the journey, good experiences and bad too! I hope to "experience and learn" at least to my eighties!! Then I'll die a truly happy and fullfilled woman!
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Dec 2006
10:46 AM EDT

I expect people to treat me as I treat them. Being a woman of "ethnic-looking" decent, albeit American, you can't imagine how hostile many people can be. I can only equate it to their own ignorance and suffering lives. What a world this would be if we all acted as Jesus did, even though he was mistreated, (to say the least) still went on loving, caring for and trying to guide people to be good to one another..He's my HERO!! Always will be.
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Dec 2006
4:38 AM EDT

I agree totally..remember Dorothy in "the Wizard of Oz?!" She went searching and ended up going in a big circle back to home. Long, hard lessons learned are sometimes the only way some of us learn!
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Dec 2006
5:44 AM EDT

Love is a feeling of completeness, wholeness, happiness and joy, although life is not always joyful. This doesn't mean it is always easy either. Love should be unconditional, respectful, and treasured. True love is known when you love someone, or something, despite the fact of it's shortcomings, and you still want it. Anything worth anything takes work, and especially long relationships, but the rewards are so worth the effort.
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Dec 2006
4:54 AM EDT

No never..I seek the acceptance of God and Him alone. I have experienced too much evil, falsehoods,hypocrisy, etc. when dealing with mortal beings and find my comfort and all my needs are met through God. I am not a perfect Christian, but I am constantly striving to be a better person in all areas.
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Dec 2006
5:26 AM EDT

I guess Elizabeth, if you say so. I have endured quite a bit of hardship, and it was not always due to my indecision..sometimes we have no control over situations that cause us hardships, sometimes it's God's will..I'll admit to being somewhat ignorant as to which was which at any given time. But it's not always OUR decisions.."Thy will, not mine be done."..sound familiar?
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Dec 2006
7:44 AM EDT

A mother... although times were extremely difficult for us both, she has become an accomplished determined young woman...also my ability to keep my faith which has been the only thing that has held me together through the storms of life at times..gratefulness to people who have helped me along the way..
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Dec 2006
4:58 AM EDT

I am real, I do not pretend to be something I'm not..that to me would be having a fraudulent ego, and I don't like "fake people..they are untrustworthy in my opinion. We all should make every effort to act in a Christian way toward each other, And we can only relate to other people, as long as we are human ourselves..not better or worse than anyone ...just my opinion
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Dec 2006
4:57 AM EDT

Ephesians 4;1&2 Give up self for others, Spirit of love = sacrifice, Behavior is a credit, can't change other people. Romans 14;17 Live in the Kingdom, the devil will not leave us alone, deal with it, The power of the Holy Ghost will allow us to rise above the world, trust God when dealing with offense, manage your emotions, be a second chance person, it will be hard on the flesh, get over issues, choose Gods' will.
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storminorma's Profile

  • Username: storminorma
  • Gender / Age: Female, 64
  • Location: USA - Florida
    STORMINORMA's Interests:

    Favorite Movies: Fried Green Tomatoes, Forrest Gump, Lonesome Dove, Harold and Maude

    Favorite Television: Joyce Meyer Ministries, Documentaries,Love Stories like Bridges over Madison County..things that teach, and/ or have a happy ending.

    Favorite Books: The Bible, it covers all the bases for my needs,(in my opinion) with facts written in Psalms and can anyone NOT love the Good Book?!