storminorma's Journal
Dec 2006
4:57 AM EDT
Ephesians 4;1&2 Give up self for others, Spirit of love = sacrifice, Behavior is a credit, can't change other people. Romans 14;17 Live in the Kingdom, the devil will not leave us alone, deal with it, The power of the Holy Ghost will allow us to rise above the world, trust God when dealing with offense, manage your emotions, be a second chance person, it will be hard on the flesh, get over issues, choose Gods' will.
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storminorma's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 64
USA - Florida
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STORMINORMA's Interests:
Favorite Movies:
Fried Green Tomatoes, Forrest Gump, Lonesome Dove, Harold and Maude
Favorite Television:
Joyce Meyer Ministries, Documentaries,Love Stories like Bridges over Madison County..things that teach, and/ or have a happy ending.
Favorite Books:
The Bible, it covers all the bases for my needs,(in my opinion) with facts written in Psalms and can anyone NOT love the Good Book?!