storminorma's Journal
Dec 2006
5:54 AM EDT
True although not always easy. I tend to speak my mind if I feel strongly about the issue at hand. I also have no tolerance for abuse of any kind, which means I have reacted in a "not so Christian way" to people I have witnessed as instigators, abusive, or troublesome to me, or others who cannot defend themselves..the less fortunate, (or "under- dogs, if you will!) I like the fact that I don't tolerate ill behaviors from others, it shows I love and respect myself, and others enough to speak up, and am still strong enough to stand up if need be! I crawl before no one but the Lord, AND NO ONE!! on this planet has the right to use another for a door mat to wipe their miserable feet on!! That's abuse!! If the "issue" is only a difference of opinion, and someone wants to "argue" about it, I don't waste my precious energy trying to sway them. Most things of this nature are not that important to me, and anyways my good friend Joe used to always tell me, "Norma, some will fall by the wayside." Thanks for the words of wisdom Joe!
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Gender / Age:
Female, 64
USA - Florida
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STORMINORMA's Interests:
Favorite Movies:
Fried Green Tomatoes, Forrest Gump, Lonesome Dove, Harold and Maude
Favorite Television:
Joyce Meyer Ministries, Documentaries,Love Stories like Bridges over Madison County..things that teach, and/ or have a happy ending.
Favorite Books:
The Bible, it covers all the bases for my needs,(in my opinion) with facts written in Psalms and can anyone NOT love the Good Book?!