sloppysqueen08's Journal

Mar 2007
4:22 PM PST

well diary im soo sorry for not writin you for the past couple days, well guess what happened me and joe broke up on the 27th! or the 28th! i dono but yup he broke up with me!, i knew sumthing was wrong i mean ever since the day of kinos birthday when he stopped talkin to me out of no where, somethin was up and yup he broke up with me for nothing i actually didnt do nothing!, he was talkin about everything being real stressfull and he dont wanna be doing this and stuff but Im like whatevers right now! sooo i guess we do jus need a stupid break, thats what he wanted in the first place, and then friday he called me tellin me he wanted me back, but i said no, im tired of him doing this to me! he just dont understand, Im not ganna hook up with no one or nothing like that i mean hes all i need, but all ima be doin is tryin to spend time with my friends if whenever i can, ive jus been talkin to as many people i could find to talk to. To keep my mind off of him, its hard but im doing yup ima go out tomarow i wana go dancing at THE GRAD hopefully it all goes good...and i geta dance with whoever i want to, but if i do dance with any guys probably not though, its just ganna be dancing and nothing more, Im not tryin to hook up with no one! unlike rosie, i cant believe she already went out on a date, but i think it changes one your love of your life cheats on You I hope it never comes down to that with me and joe I dono what i would do!...i mean i think that, that would be the end of us if it ever came down to it....I hope it never happens! well i love joe but it hurts how he treats me i should have put an end to it from the begining but i didnt cuz i love him and i do want to be with him for the rest of my life i just want him to change his ways then our life would be just great how i know it will be.... well till next time LATERZ,

<3 JennY G. <-----hahaha G for guerrero!

sloppysqueen08's Profile

  • Username: sloppysqueen08
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - California
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    SLOPPYSQUEEN08's Interests:

    About Me: im 16 and in love with joe! im ganna graduate in 2008!

    Interests: dance, and music

    Favorite Music: R and B, Rap, and hip-hop!

    Favorite Movies: selena, grease, 187, curly sue, alota other ones to!

    Favorite Television: mtv, bet, vh1

    Favorite Books: the lost boy, the child called it, a man named dave, go ask alice.