sloppysqueen08's Journal

Mar 2007
4:22 PM PST

well diary im soo sorry for not writin you for the past couple days, well guess what happened me and joe broke up on the 27th! or the 28th! i dono but yup he broke up with me!, i knew sumthing was wrong i mean ever since the day of kinos birthday when he stopped talkin to me out of no where, somethin was up and yup he broke up with me for nothing i actually didnt do nothing!, he was talkin about everything being real stressfull and he dont wanna be doing this and stuff but Im like whatevers right now! sooo i guess we do jus need a stupid break, thats what he wanted in the first place, and then friday he called me tellin me he wanted me back, but i said no, im tired of him doing this to me! he just dont understand, Im not ganna hook up with no one or nothing like that i mean hes all i need, but all ima be doin is tryin to spend time with my friends if whenever i can, ive jus been talkin to as many people i could find to talk to. To keep my mind off of him, its hard but im doing yup ima go out tomarow i wana go dancing at THE GRAD hopefully it all goes good...and i geta dance with whoever i want to, but if i do dance with any guys probably not though, its just ganna be dancing and nothing more, Im not tryin to hook up with no one! unlike rosie, i cant believe she already went out on a date, but i think it changes one your love of your life cheats on You I hope it never comes down to that with me and joe I dono what i would do!...i mean i think that, that would be the end of us if it ever came down to it....I hope it never happens! well i love joe but it hurts how he treats me i should have put an end to it from the begining but i didnt cuz i love him and i do want to be with him for the rest of my life i just want him to change his ways then our life would be just great how i know it will be.... well till next time LATERZ,

<3 JennY G. <-----hahaha G for guerrero!

Feb 2007
12:50 PM PST

hello today is the twins and grandpas birthday RIP! and i woke up early! woohoo...yup, but there was bad news when i went to school, since grades got sent home friday, I got 3 FREAKIN F's! thats not good at all...well now its not since i have a whole different look on school...ya and yesterday i talked to cuzin rosie, and i am right now 2...but was alota fun today, me and nessa lost track of time and went over 25 MINUTES! thats along time but i didnt really care it was fun lol! and ive been trying to get ahold of joe since i woke up but no answer thats gets me soooooooo mad and he does it on purpose, whatever im just not ganna call him.

well im ganna go,

Luv Jenny

Feb 2007
8:43 AM PST

I got up late cuz lets just say i hada rough nite last night! it was pretty crazy but in a good way!...well i got up and watched a movie with ricky chris and my mom we watched step up it was a good movie and i tryed getting ahold of joe but no answer, which has been happening quite a while lately...and i danced around the house for a little to lol...then i talked to the twin, her lil brother amaru is in the hospital in SB i hope hes ganna be okay i guess he had a seizure and hes not even 1 yrs old yet! and now im just really bored and on the computer writin to you. I gata go to skool tomarow, im just excited about work I cant wait till i get a job! i want to work soooo bad. and i guess its fun with Nessa and all. Well im ganna go K



Feb 2007
12:51 PM PST

i didnt go to school im still feelin a lil sick, i went to work with nessa, they showed us how to work the pager it was cool! then i came home and got on the computer. and i havent talked to joe for awhile, so maybe at 9 i will.

sloppysqueen08's Profile

  • Username: sloppysqueen08
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - California
    Photo Album

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    SLOPPYSQUEEN08's Interests:

    About Me: im 16 and in love with joe! im ganna graduate in 2008!

    Interests: dance, and music

    Favorite Music: R and B, Rap, and hip-hop!

    Favorite Movies: selena, grease, 187, curly sue, alota other ones to!

    Favorite Television: mtv, bet, vh1

    Favorite Books: the lost boy, the child called it, a man named dave, go ask alice.